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Square Knot 


Your Day of Birth is what you are innately good at, what you already know and have learned. Unsurprisingly, these are characteristics that you are most comfortable manifesting. On the other hand, your Life Number or Lesson Number is what your soul came to learn. Your Life Number is derived from your birthdate. For instance, 01/07/1983 gives you a Life Number 29/11. Your Life Number reveals the talents you brought in from previous lifetimes and the obstacles you will unconsciously or determinedly create.  



Your Life Number is the square knot in your life that can create difficult or tangled situations. When you're feeling stressed, angry, or off-balance, you tend to bring out the negative traits of your Life Number. Your Life Number is key to the struggles and triumphs that you will endure. 


The more you work constructively at expressing the most favorable characteristics of your Life Number, the more purpose-driven your life will become.

 There's a potential downside when you instinctively lean on the talents and gifts of your day of birth rather than developing your Life Number.  Take, for instance,


 Life Number 6 | Birthday 7
The theme of “me versus we” is a lifelong struggle throughout your life. As often as not, you must balance between your own needs and those of your family and others. You must learn to be a good spouse, friend, brother/sister, daughter/son, citizen, and neighbor. Experiences will teach the traits of service, domesticity, flexibility, reasonability, responsibility, humbleness, and self-sacrifice. The square knot: love, home and family mean everything to you. 


Life Number 11 | Birthday 10

You are fiercely independent and beholden to nobody. In business alliances, you are the happiest working independently, or being the boss. You can’t stand to be micromanaged or told what to do. You must learn how to get along well with others. Experiences will teach the traits of sharing, compromise, diplomacy, open-mindedness, and kindness. You love being coupled up yet, need plenty of "me" time and breathing space. The square knot: without a romantic partner, you are not happy or sure of yourself. 

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