Personal Year 1 is a time when people are ready to leave the past behind and tend to be too optimistic. Remember, we believe that the new nine-year cycle officially starts in September of the Personal Year 1. In consequence, it's essential to make good decisions in the months leading up to August.
Not doing so will easily create new problems that can last for another five years.
Personal Year 11/2 typically concerns partnerships or agreements that can end or arise unexpectedly.
As foreseen, Nikki Haley suddenly ends her presidential campaign in March 2024, her Personal Year 11/2 and Personal Month 5. The numbers suggest financial challenges may arise after she ends her campaign.
For everyone, Personal Month 4 alludes to a month of hardship regarding health, employment, legal affairs, family, and/or finances, which can bring about changes in Personal Month 5. What's more, the collective yearly energy of the Karmic 8 concerns finances, employment, white-collar workers, health, an event causing great suffering, destruction, and distress, reputation, power, real estate, authority figures, and debts (bankruptcy and foreclosure). Everyone is at risk of experiencing a positive and negative change in one of these ways.
The world must change as part of a divine design!
As we step into 2026, almost nothing shall remain unchanged from the past. The year 2024 will demand retribution, leading to an unprecedented overhaul of the existing educational, religious, social, political and professional institutions and organizations.
In this unusual 2024, from March until August, we may witness one or two extraordinary events with karmic implications. Again, many events have been unparalleled since 2020. Right now, nothing is guaranteed, fixed, decided, or definite. Leading up to October 2024, we anticipate significant and rapid changes in the political and social landscape.