Humanity must now WAKE UP from the world of fairies, fairy dust and bewitchment. For eight years now, we have been in an illusory state of happiness and ease, where everything and everyone works in perfect harmony with minimal effort.
Contradicted by reality, this 10-year bubble of delusion is bursting!
9 is idealistic and has intense emotions and passions, while 1 is unromantic and relies heavily on what it perceives to be worthy of being believed or accepted as true. While 9's frame of reference is social democracy, the unorthodox 1 has a different way of thinking. Its frame of reference is self-interest and ultraism. Therefore, governments and big businesses will make decisions based solely on their own self-interest or profit and extreme.
1 and 9 are the furthest and most extreme points of a cycle, and so humanity will strongly feel this change in energies. For this reason, around November 2024 life gets even more challenging and won't let up until roughly December 2027.
We are beginning to realize that WE have to lay the foundations of the world we want and not leave it in the hands of the world's wealthiest 1%.
This dawn of a new era, in 2024, we have 99% of the power to lay the first stones of our future. While doing so, we must remember that “all things are difficult before they are easy” and “there are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”
Unlike 2016-2022, there is no hand-holding and it’s no longer about perfect, 9. From 2026-2031, it’s your own ingenuity and efforts (1). This is an extraordinary period to be alive! We get to try out new things, strive for uniqueness, and not follow the crowd or try to fit in. We are incentivized to get off the old beaten path and bend the rules a little!

EVERY NINE-YEAR CYCLE IS CHARACTER BUILDING! As a matter of course, there are those of you who will naturally find Directive Cycle 1 from 2026-2034 much more challenging. Because of this, you must put in more effort and endure longer, prolonged periods of hardship to a degree that strengthens and improves your character.
The Directive Cycle is the atmosphere and pervading tone of society, governments, corporate leaders and world events. That said, Directive Cycle 1 can be full of promise for two elements: what we believe translates into Pinnacles.
In 2026, folks in Pinnacle 1 are likely to experience something shocking in an unexpected way.
Your Pinnacle is the nerve center of your thoughts, activities, and way of life. Your Pinnacle is where the battles of life happen, and the Pinnacle number delineates the specific areas of life that will be a daily grind and where there is the most soul growth.
Fire & Air Trinities
The FIRE and AIR Trinities complement each other. If your Pinnacle is one of the six numbers associated with FIRE or AIR, life is manageable. Therefore, it is within the bounds of possibility that your ambitious goals can be achieved and you can grow your career more easily. That said, if an opportunity presents itself, dare to go for it!
FIRE — 1, 3, 9
AIR — 5, 6, 11
Karmic Lessons. It's NEVER ALL! ALL the numbers in the blueprint must be taken into consideration. That said, Directive Cycle 1 can be a rocky road if you are missing the letters A, J, and S in your birth name, or your birth name only has one letter A, J, S. Missing or deficient letters A, J, and S indicates a lack of initiative, difficulty making your own decisions, great ideas yet shying away from being an innovator, or a changemaker, overly cautious, and fear of being different or unique from others.
Clearly Perceptible Traits

The distinguishing energies of Directive Cycle 1 are readily apparent in 2023. From October 2023 until January 2026, the energy steadily intensifies as it filters throughout the world, greatly transforming the general world atmosphere. People will exhibit both positive and destructive traits, which will cause many problems.
We're already witnessing people feeling more empowered; hence, riots, protests, and strikes are igniting all over the world. World leaders feel the urge to show their nations' strength. Also, for nine years, expect to see more isolationist countries that prefer to be unaligned with major international alliances and more autocratic leaders.
2 encourages humanity to think about peace, bipartisanship, unity, tolerance, and exchanging ideas and lessons from cultures that are different from our own. 2 encourages putting our crueler instincts to the side and stay out of brutal and senseless wars. Unfortunately, judging by the numbers, that won't begin to happen until about 2039.
However, 1 is less inclined to cooperate or collaborate with others, and it doesn't like to be told what to do or take advice, no matter how "good" the advice.
We can anticipate unnecessary obstacles, personal attacks, hostilities and conflict arising from a lack of agreement that can cause wars with other nations, citizen uprisings and bad blood in politics.
The numbers suggest that from September 2023 through 2027, relationships, collaborative efforts, and business partnerships will be much harder to maintain. Because of tense relationships, public slander, differences of opinion and misunderstandings, some businesses will lose a lot of money or even fail. Despite all that's going on in the world, keep in mind that from 2000-2999, there is an expansion in awareness, insight and potential developments in accordance with 2.

Remember that 2 represents "gathering in," connecting, pulling together, shared aims, community, peaceful coexistence, diplomacy, and democracy. We will continue to see people "gathering in" due to natural disasters, wildfires and other climate events. Over the next four years, nothing will unfold just as you imagined it would! Lives are changing, but not in the ways expected.
2 represents pairs of opposites; it behooves humanity to develop the positive traits of 1 and 2 simultaneously.
While 1 is modernistic and forward-looking, 2 is nostalgic, and so, we suspect, for about twenty years, antiques and vintage items have been hot commodities. We also suspect that in 2024, a big business year, all the rave going forward is not for what's already in existence but for products, fashions, music, apps, systems, online social media and social networking services that are original, ahead of the times, and cutting-edge. However, in the next decade, people are looking for something new, and replicas of features, social media, social networking platforms, and video-sharing channels are out of the ordinary.
By 2026, every man, woman, boy and girl will have had to move on from something!
Keep in mind that this next decade, or Directive Cycle, is about improvements and new innovations, not copying stuff that is already in existence or has been in existence for a long time. It's still early, but we'll likely see extraordinary changes and innovations between April 2026 and July 2026, so don't bank on new products, features, platforms, etc., of today.
For most people, mental or emotional strain is inevitable! Just as the Great Recession peaked in 2006, Universal Year 8 and brought about a marked decline in national economies globally from late 2007 to 2009. Something peaks/collapses in 2025, Universal Year 9 and we will likely bear the hardship from 2026 to 2027. Remember that 2016-2025 has to do with culminations of all types and Directive Cycle 1 from 2026-2034 is a new starting point, the early stages in the development or growth of new things that are refreshingly different in nature.
A mental vibration, 1 has a lot of vitality, creativity, ambition, and physical; hence, there will be a lot more action-driven and stonyhearted individuals, governments and corporations and the healthiness of humanity can greatly improve. More on this in future posts!
The Silent and Greatest Generation generations are in a cycle of completion, and millennials, youngsters born between 1981 and 1996 (ages 23 to 38), become more visible or noticeable as they inherit positions of prominence.
Positive Vibration | Number 1
Destructive Vibration | Number 1
Control freak
Indifference to religion
Self at all cost
Prone to psychiatric problems
Sudden changes in mood