The years 2025 and 2026 are poised to be consequential turning points in human history. During these periods, the alignment of the Universal Year with the Directive Cycle is expected to usher in rapid and profound changes across various aspects of life. These changes will likely be driven by advancements in technology, shifts in societal structures, and emerging scientific discoveries that could fundamentally alter our biology and way of life. Factors such as genetic engineering, artificial intelligence integration, and climate adaptation might lead to new ways of thinking, living, and interacting as a species.
These shifts will impact societal structures, technological advancements, governments and global interactions, leading to transformative developments that reshape our world as we know it today. This alignment suggests a time of growth and evolution, where we could witness unprecedented challenges as well as opportunities that will require adaptability and resilience.
Major changes are anticipated in January and February 2025 due to the leadership choices, or absence of choices, made during the 2024 Universal Year 8.
These decisions, or even indecision on critical issues, could greatly impact various sectors and communities. As we look ahead, it will be crucial to monitor these developments closely, as they will shape the landscape for the next three years.
2025 Universal Year 9 is the final year of Directive Cycle 9. 9 can be a rabble-rouser, an inciter for change. 9 has the potential to act as a catalyst for drastic transformation that challenges the status quo.
Individuals whose Personal Year always aligns with the Universal Year, as well as those whose Personal Year and Pinnacle numbers align, will experience this to a greater extent. For those of you whose Pinnacle is a digit of consequence, 2025 will have particular importance.
In certain situations, it is essential to adapt and go with the flow. Nevertheless, these individuals must maintain control over the situation and do everything they can to minimize even more unexpected outcomes.
It might not be obvious at first, but releasing certain situations and people is essential for better opportunities and personal growth.
2025 and 2026 are pivotal moments in our evolutionary journey. These will be unprecedented years, bringing changes we cannot yet imagine. From April to September 2025, there is potential for major triggering events. These six months will initiate a profound dismantling process that is essential for reshaping the world into a new and transformative form.
The Astrology
The months from March to July 2025 will be transformative. Astrologically, big planetary movements are occurring. Pluto just settled in its new home, Aquarius, on November 19, 2024. Neptune enters Aries on March 30, 2025, Saturn moves into Aries on May 25, 2025, and Uranus will enter Gemini on July 7, 2025.
Kamala Harris's 2024 campaign slogan, "We are not going back," powerfully captures the spirit of our era and resonates with the desire for progress and change that we all feel in 2025 and 2026. At the same time, it's important to recognize that you cannot remain stagnant in your current situation. Growth and progress require change and movement forward, so it's essential to have the courage and determination to take steps towards new opportunities and experiences.
This is a new and exciting experience for us! In all its strength, 9 is undeniably fierce. We are living in different times; however, we can still examine past events for valuable insights. For example, the D-Day invasion on June 6, 1944, when Allied forces launched a massive assault on Nazi-occupied France, marked a critical turning point in World War II; the Siege of Leningrad; World War II: Operation Spring—one of Canada's bloodiest days, etc.
As we reflect on the past, it is crucial to acknowledge that the context of earlier times differed significantly from our current reality. For instance, if we examine the year 1944 (1 + 9 + 4 + 4), we arrive at the number 18, which ultimately reduces to 9. Similarly, the year 2025, when calculated (2 + 0 + 2 + 5), also reduces to 9.
The number 18 carries with it a heavy weight of historical turmoil; it evokes images of bitter quarrels, wars, and social revolutions that have left their mark on humanity. This number serves as a stark warning, reminding us of treachery lurking in the shadows, the potential for deception that can come from others, and the varied dangers posed by nature itself—whether through fierce storms, overwhelming floods, devastating fires, or explosive events that can change the landscape in an instant.
In contrast, the single digit 9 is linked to swift transformations, representing the seeds of new beginnings. These new beginnings pave the way for future growth and development, suggesting that amidst the chaos, there exists the possibility for renewal. In 2025, the disagreements, conflict and intensity of relationships and interactions with other leaders and countries are likely to increase, heightening our emotional experiences as we navigate these times of change.
As we noted in a previous post,
The 119th United States Congress is poised to be engulfed in internal conflict, with members clashing over their differing ideologies and priorities. Tensions will rise as debates turn heated, and discord permeates the halls, reflecting deep divisions that threaten to disrupt the legislative agenda.
Although Pluto entered Aquarius, there has yet to be a firm consensus as to the exact beginning of Aquarius's Age.
Judging by the numbers, we are still a ways away from realizing a society characterized by harmony, equality, and mutual understanding. In fact, it may take another decade before we can indeed start to experience these ideals in our daily lives.
Effective diplomacy and tact are essential skills that humanity still needs to cultivate and develop over time.
These qualities encompass the ability to appreciate different viewpoints, handle intricate social situations, and communicate with care and respect. They do not involve being tyrannical, dictatorial, selfish, or insisting on having everything our way. Moreover, effective diplomacy discourages confrontational or violent methods to support political or social causes.
From 2026 to 2034, your greatest strength will be your ability to face challenges with unwavering resilience.
The world is at the forefront of new and experimental ideas, styles and methods that will ride in with the 2026 Universal Year 10/1. For a couple of years, we've said that everyone, rich or poor, must paddle their own canoe. By August 2025, you will understand this. The numbers suggest that it's important for everyone to embrace their independence and trust themselves in making choices. It would be best if you had the potential to be a trailblazer, navigating through challenging situations on your own. It's absolutely vital to recognize when to seek help; doing so shows strength, not weakness.
Each of the four Pinnacles represents the highway of life you are on, indicating where the most effort must be put forth and where unexpected changes, both positive and negative, will occur in your affairs.
The three Life Cycles illuminate the promises of this life and the unique tools you naturally possess to realize your potential.
The current Pinnacle symbolizes the pathway of your life journey, highlighting areas where you need to focus your energy and efforts the most. It serves as a guide to help you navigate the various conditions you encounter along the way. Additionally, your Pinnacle reveals where unexpected changes—both beneficial and challenging—are likely to arise. By understanding these two important guiding points, you can better prepare for the twists and turns ahead, allowing you to adapt and thrive in the face of life's uncertainties.
Individuals who resist change and expect the same results from doing the same thing are in trouble.
Starting in December 2024 and continuing until September 2025, it may be necessary to start over with a lower salary. For many individuals, it's the first time that you have had to "walk the talk" and practice what you preach.
From December 2024 to December 2025, the livelihoods of workers in the automobile industry, high-earning podcasters, social media influencers, television personalities, radio hosts, and journalists are at risk, making their futures more uncertain than ever.
9 is all-inclusive, so NOBODY is safe! Expect a substantial shift in government and business leadership driven by resignations, firings, health challenges, or even death. In line with the upcoming nine-year cycle, this disruption presents a unique chance for new voices and ideas to emerge.
Between now and April 2025, take a moment to understand the characteristics of your current Pinnacle! At this point in your journey, it’s important to let go of something from your past. Doing so will help you clear a path for personal growth and embrace the new opportunities that lie ahead. While this process may be challenging, it is an essential step toward your bright future in this new era!