Numerology can point out the high and low periods, but your own free will determines how to get through them. In other words, not all individuals experience a severe downturn during their low periods or achieve great heights during their high periods.
Our aim is to help you become more self-aware through numerology. In our eighteen years of numerology practice, we have encountered some new principles that we have defined in our own distinctive way.
You have been given the 'power' letters, and the shaping years. We have taught you how to identify whether or not you have a digit of consequence and when to expect big moments in your life. We taught you how to identify the lessons that are important for your lifetime and when your life may appear clouded over.
You can see that there are many ways to plan ahead. Here's another little nugget!
The strength of your transit number (essence) is increased when it aligns with your Personal Year or the Universal Year. That is to say,
If your transit number is 10/1 and you're in Personal Year 1, or it's a Universal Year 1, it is a great time to start something new apply for a new position or make a fresh new start.
If your transit number is 15/6 and you are in a Personal Year 6, or it's a Universal Year 6, there is a heavy focus on family, love relationships, health, dwelling-place, community or national responsibilities.
If your transit number is 17/8 and you are in Personal Year 8 or Universal Year 8, this can lead to a year that can be either extremely beneficial or very karmic, depending on your past actions.
If your transit number is 13/4 and you are in Personal Year 4 or Universal Year 4, you may have more serious financial, legal, or health concerns.