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Sista's Diversifying Leadership

Three women of color attorneys are grabbing the media spotlight. Attorney General of New York, Letitia James; Attorney and House Representative Stacey Plaskett; District Attorney of Fulton County, Georgia, Fani Willis. This makes numeric sense, 2016 to 2026 is an ideal time for women of color to excel.

2000 to 2099, the world will witness the rise of the divine feminine.

Since the dawn of time, men have been the principal leaders in governments, private companies, and other institutions; this will gradually change. Of the many things, the world will witness during the 21st century is a rise in feminine leadership. A rise that will promote a more thoughtful, cooperative and responsible approach to leadership. Also, a lot more joint ventures, partnerships, alliances, and diplomacy are experienced throughout the world. By 2028, around the world, a lot more women and mothers will have assumedleadership roles. Since the 1960s, women have been entering the workforce not only for career satisfaction but also because they and their families have needed income.

Number 2 reflects a balanced duality; women are devoted to their families and also committed to their careers.

Directive Cycle 9 is customarily an emotionally challenging period. It is a ten-year period in which humanity does things that were never done or known before. Despite this, it's one of the most favorable times for people of color to jostle their way to the top.

2016 - 2025 are incomparable to any other time in modern history! Moreover, professionally and personally, the individuals with a Major 9 and/or 9 Cycle, by 2026, Number 9 will cause you to endure a loss that sparks off a new beginning.

Life Number 1, Fani Willis is the first female district attorney for Fulton County. This mother of two was born on October 27, 1971. A 9 Born, Fani Willis is currently in the sixth year of her Third Pinnacle 10/1, which is also a Digit of Consequence. Willis will undoubtedly continue rising in status and influence, with the considerable potential to reach the commanding height of her success by 2025. With Challenge 8, status, power and money are extremely important to her happiness. In all likelihood, Willis has had to learn not to judge a person's worth by their prized possessions and social status. In all reasonable probability, this ultimately caused many unpleasant lessons about what is indeed important in life. Positively, most people with Challenge 8 are self-starters! Willis is unafraid of a challenge. In fact, she has to be careful she's not too aggressive or confrontational. Once more, positively, 2023 is Willis's Personal Year 8;1 and 8 are extremely potent together, and 2023 can be a momentous year for her career.

Life Number 4, Stacey Plaskett born May 13, 1966, is the mother of five. After eighteen years in a Pinnacle 8, Plaskett is currently in a Final Pinnacle 9. Pinnacle 8 requires enormous effort and discipline but also people commonly move up in social and executive rank and earnings. Plaskett will be happy to leave behind 8; it characteristically produces mo money, but mo problems and mo bills.

In 2020, as Plaskett begins settling into her Final Pinnacle 9, her focused attention will slowly shift from herself and her career to endeavors that are more humanitarian and beneficial to all humankind. Numbers 8 and 9 are very different energies! Number 9 is way less physically taxing; however, it is emotionally taxing. Number 9 takes care of your essential needs, but only as long as you are considerate and unselfish with proper regard for others. 9 Cycles always bring about some form of suffering, hurts that inevitably give rise to growth. Hence, Pinnacle 9 does not typically give the emotional happiness or fulfillment a person ordinarily expects, but with the right actions, it can be the most rewarding professionally.

More than likely, Plaskett will endure numerous losses and undesirable emotional experiences that are designed to encourage healthier thoughts and actions. Number 9 can also create emotional or difficult romantic associations between two people. Needless to say, much of her spiritual growth comes through relationships which are rarely a piece of cake. Be that as it may, much like Fani Willis, Stacey Plaskett's Blueprint convincingly demonstrates the potential for her to rise to the height of success by 2025.

Read the numeric posting on Letitia James

It appears as if 2023 and 2024 are shaping up to be remarkable years for women in leadership! The world will clearly recognize feminine leadership is on the rise and, at long last, come to realize the leadership, brilliance, strength and incredible resilience of women of color.

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