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Shifting Perceptions | Number 13

Apparently, Taylor Swift has stated that her lucky number is 13. Makes numeric sense. For everyone, the day you are born is one of your lucky numbers. Taylor Swift was born on December 13, 1989.

Swift has publicly revealed that she was born on the 13th; her first album went gold in 13 weeks; every time she won an award she was seated in either the 13th seat, the 13th row, the 13th section, or row M, which is the 13th letter. She acknowledges that whenever 13 shows up, it's a good thing. 

Karmic Debt 13 requires discipline, organization, hard work, and carefulness with money. Be that as it may, 13 and the other three karmic debt numbers are powerfully strong energies.

Furthermore, what Taylor Swift is experiencing isn't something rare or uncommon. Obsessed with the image of itself, 4 is a mysterious and unusual number that almost always makes its presence known. 

If you are born on the 4, 13, 22, or 31 of any calendar month, you will notice that oftentimes the last seven digits or all ten digits of your telephone numbers reduce to 4; many major events happen on dates that reduce to 4 and other personal unique identifiers oftentimes reduce to 4. Moreover, as often as not, ages that are reduced to 4 (13, 22, 31, 40, 58, 67), and Personal and Universal Years that are reduced to 4 can produce unforeseen circumstances.

If not 4, oftentimes 8 is a common occurrence for people born on the 4, 13, 22, or 31 of any calendar month. As you know by now, we consider 4 and 8 and 7 and 11 twin flames; however, unlike 7 and 11, together 4 and 8 can sometimes be atrocious. Hence, 4 can be dicey in the 2024 Universal Year 8; thus in  2024, people born on the 4, 13, 22, or 31 of any calendar month should try to maintain their highest, most favorable vibrational energy.

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