Websites, online video sharing and social media platforms get hit heavily during the first two weeks of every new calendar year. This is because everyone wants to know what to reasonably expect in the year ahead.
It goes without saying, with the passage of every year, the energy changes. The easiest principle for everyone to grasp is the Personal Year.
Annual Profections use your AGE to find what profection year you are in. Astrologer Patrick Watson writes, "Every year of your life is associated with a different sign and house topic." Interpreting Your Annual Profection

The AGE DIGIT alludes to the subtle influence that you will experience each calendar year. The terminology typically differs, some numerologists refer to this numerology principle as Race Consciousness. (R.C.)
Unless your birthday is January 1st or December 31st, you will be two different ages during the year.
Each calendar year the AGE DIGIT influences your life to a slight extent. There are years when the AGE DIGIT matches the Numerology Personal Year which means there's a more considerable emphasis on things characteristic of that particular AGE DIGIT and Personal Year.
Use the Numerology Personal Year interpretations for the AGE DIGIT. Keep in mind the AGE DIGIT is not as perceptible as the Personal Year.
The AGE DIGIT is determined by adding two ages together; your present age and the age you will be on your next birthday. For example, if you are born on February 5th, and you are currently age 37, on your next birthday you turn age 38. Add these two numbers together to get the AGE DIGIT.
Take notice of Master 11 and Karmic Debt numbers 13, 14, 16, and 19. Karmic Debt numbers may perhaps indicate unforeseen problems to work through. Master 11 may perhaps indicate something unlooked-for that is shocking, causes distress or is unusually good.
37 + 38 = 75 = 7 + 5 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3
You are optimistic and cheerful. Social activities are an aspect of this year; however, 3 is an odd number, therefore, you will find that it's a little difficult to willingly interact with others. You have to push yourself to enjoy time with your friends, to travel and mingle with others socially.
For five consecutive years, the AGE DIGIT is an odd number and for the next five years, the AGE DIGIT is an even number. Odd numbers denote introspection, focusing more on yourself and your goals and preferring your own company. Even numbers denote extroversion, social interactions with others and good-naturedness.
ODD NUMBERS: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
EVEN NUMBERS: 2, 3, 6, 8, 22
The AGE DIGIT will repeat over and over again in your lifetime; however, as you mature, the AGE DIGIT will give emphasis to differing distinguishing characteristics of the AGE DIGIT number.
Updated January 13, 2023