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Revolutionary Global Change Through Crisis

Cultural and social changes and technological and scientific developments will substantially RESHAPE the world!

9 changes the world globally both quickly and slowly! Because of 9, 2016 - 2025 is an unstable time that is marked by intense difficulty, reversals and misfortune. When you look around, you don't see anything different — just yet. Right now, it appears as if long-established behaviors and mindsets, government and business are unchanged; in consequence, it seems as if the world is functioning in the same 'old' manner.

9 goes around the globe and under the surface to find what's hidden and roots it out.

Since 2005, the world we have lived in has increasingly felt more destructive and chaotic on a physical and emotional level, but the reality has been, this long global transformative period has been creating a more fair and balanced world. Keep in mind, most changes are not visible for another three to five years. 

Think of this Directive Cycle 9 as a period of revolutionary change, a high-pressure mandate from above — improvement IS going to take place. Oftentimes through suffering, 9 eradicates old and outdated beliefs, mindsets and behaviors that are no longer beneficial. 

The many businesses that can't keep up with the changing times or the cost of doing business, go under.

As often as not, the experiences brought about by 9 are very tragic and emotional - forcing you down a different road or a change of mindset. In the fullness of this ten-year period, all of humanity will have suffered the loss of a house, marriage, health, money, loved one, job, etc.  What's more, it's a challenging time for most people's family, love, and work relationships. Relationships, in particular, love relationships and marriages will also go through a profound transformation. Natural disasters and other fatalities will profoundly change many people's lives.

Whatever roots are not strong, and whatever roots are rotten will give out.

As we say around here, NOBODY is safe! Don't be fooled by the false front that most people put on. EVERYBODY will hit rock bottom or fall into disrepair in some area of life! Slightly or considerably, between 2016 and 2025, everyone's life will change. 

Don't lose sight of 2; it infers that you need other people to get through these tough times. You can't and shouldn't do it alone — accept the help offered or ask for help. Trust the process, in the fullness of time, what's happening now will change your life for the better. 

More importantly, you will have learned something about yourself, the money/material world, death, your lifework, your health, your relationship, your ability to adapt, etc. When you look back on these times, you will realize how much you have grown and healed. You will realize that you have definitely learned something about yourself and the world we all live in.

Again, NOBODY is safe! We're each being awakened through an extremely bad crisis or a minor crisis! By 2026, the world we live in and your personal lifestyle or professional goals won’t ever be the same again. Change won't happen in the same areas for everyone. Our consultations are designed to help you understand whether your life will change slightly or considerably and how.

What part are you playing? Are you part of the old problems or new solutions?

That said, hidden, secreted corruption and ills of this world will continue to be ferreted out. The' old' indeed is crumbling! Many areas of life are changed forever. This is why, before 2026, humanity will see a decimation or further restructuring of industries and institutions such as broadcasting, information technology, religious organizations, internet-related services and products, search engines, education, agriculture, food processing, trucking, airline, oil, healthcare.

In 2025, watch for news about AT&T, the world's largest telecommunications company in the United States

The largest hospitals in the United States, higher courts, taxes, the criminal justice system, banking, the medium of exchange, financial transactions, the health care systems in the United States, life insurance, big businesses and governments are reconstructed. Decimation and restructuring are happening globally. Globally before the 2024 United States Presidential and Senate elections, expect to see voting and elections reformed.

Both 3 and 5 dominate the communication industry. They are often, columnists, conversationalists, correspondents, television journalists/broadcasters, talk show hosts.

Soledad Obrian, Robin Roberts, Michael Strahan, Lara Spencer, Sean Hannity, Gayle King, Dana Jacobson, Jeff Glor, Meghan McCain, Fareed Zakaria, Anderson Cooper, Howard Stern

5 is progressive, humanity is pushed forward! This is why in 2021, changes occur suddenly, one behind the other. Be prepared for an important and staggering shift before the first quarter of 2022.

Until around November 2021, keep your eye on 5, there will continue to be extreme actions for racial and social justice. Remember 5 represents change, and progression. 5 rules the communications industry so look for the onset of a radical restructuring in the cable and television networks and internet-based news aggregators. Social media could also go through radical changes in the coming months and years.

Around the world from October 2020 to May 2022, protests are massive and some are very violent and destructive.

Look Back At The Universal Months


9 causes the downfall of governments, big businesses and leaders while 2 has to do with mergers, buyouts, partnerships, alliances, integration.

For 100 years, a century, the lesson, to be learned is 2. This new decade consists of double 2's; expect to see many "mega deals" during the 2020s. What's more, in 2021, in its own unique way 5, the number of changes, will help promote the efforts of 2. Don't forget it'll take some time, likely the entire decade of the 2020s before we see balance, fairness, tolerance, a sense of community, and social equality.


2020 and 2021 are monumental years! Commonly, as we begin and end each decade, we have some of the largest, catastrophic, and unusual events. November 2020 up until roughly June 2021 will likely be hectic months. It may not seem so but, the changes are indeed improving the world. Seriita projects that in March 2021, we'll begin to see job opportunities, increasing and a more optimistic outlook for the future. Once again, May 2021 produces sudden changes that can redirect our course.

Note that December 2020 is a Universal Month 16/7. This could perhaps suggest the coronavirus is deadlier than ever, and another lockdown. It could certainly be something else shocking, or even a terrorist attack or natural disaster that causes a state of confusion in December. The fact is, it's probably something unfortunate that we will not see coming. Whatever it is that happens in December 2020 causes an unintended consequence, change in February 2021.

Having said that, you must be able to shift gears quickly! Your long-term plans will suddenly change so don't plan too far out unless you build flexibility into your long-term plan. More importantly, it may seem like dark times, but this ten-year Cycle from 2016 - 2025 is drawing us in the direction of the light. 

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