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Presidential Campaign 2024 | One Down, One To Go

In these extraordinary times, we are focused on honing our ability to interpret the numbers rather than making predictions. Nonetheless, Biden stepping down doesn't surprise us or the people who have read our previous subscription posts.

Remember, although the energy changes on a specific day, month, or year, it usually begins to shift beforehand. We felt Biden would step down in August, but it happened days earlier. July 21 was Biden's Personal Day 67/13, suggesting his health may have been a crucial factor in his decision. As October 2024 approaches, there is a possibility of accelerated health deterioration.

We wrote:

Given the current circumstances, it's worth considering the possibility that neither Donald Trump nor Joe Biden will serve as president.  

We took into account five factors to reach our conclusion:

  1. Biden (1942), The Silent Generation consists of individuals born between 1928 and 1945. These people are currently concluding their affairs on earth, thus causing a shift in generational influence. Furthermore, Trump was born in 1946. The Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1954, are poised to undergo major shifts in their lives between September 2024 and 2030.

  2. Numerous government leaders are anticipated to feel compelled to step down due to health issues, advanced age, or involvement in scandalous activities.

  3. Frequently, valuable insights can be gained by examining the numbers of the individual's family members. After four years of pressures and having to take the lead on many things, Jill Biden's number transit from June 2024 to June 2025 alludes to a more stress-free time. This suggests that it is highly likely that Biden is resigning, which will lead to changes in Jill's life.

  4. The numbers suggested that Joe Biden would exhibit a strong sense of pride and determination in July, followed by a period of introspection and a notable shift in his outlook on life. Thus, we felt he was stepping down in August.

5. The world is heading in a completely different direction than before. It seems that everyone, whether rich, poor, or somewhere in between, will have to fend for themselves. There will be no special treatment for at least seven years. Everyone will have to learn to stand on their own two feet and paddle their own canoe! There's no way to deny it. We're facing some tough years ahead.

There's still one pin standing Donald Trump.

Game Of Dragons

Barack Obama | Fire Dragon | 1964

Nancy Pelosi | Metal Dragon | 1940

Kamala Harris | Fire Dragon | 1964

As we've mentioned several times, everything is as clear as mud! 

Another straw still needs to be drawn! Remember that in the Chinese zodiac, Vice President Kamala Harris is a Fire Dragon, and dragons are believed to have bad luck in their own zodiac year.

Additionally, 2024 is Kamala's Partnership Year, which can suggest a surprising ending in July. By her own choice or through coercion? Judging by the numbers, this has to do with her career. The Master 11 partnership year most often indicates a separation rather than a coming together, but a sudden partnership opportunity can happen. For Kamala Harris, as for everyone in their Personal Year 11/2, August defines the new direction of the nine-year cycle.

Whether you believe it or not, a new dawn is upon us. Directive Cycle 9 marks the end of 81 years, while Directive Cycle 1 marks the start of a new era or a fresh beginning.

The Universal Year 8 of 2025 is quite different from 2015, which marked the onset of the predominance of large corporations and the highest-earning celebrities in the United States. In the 2024 Universal Year 8, expect power plays and karmic and radical changes in big corporations and institutions, senior managers and executives, business and government leadership, as well as among those with wealth and famous names. 

Buckle up! From October 2024 to October 2026, we are entering a period known for great upheaval and transformation. This will be the most intense phase of the next nine-year cycle. Let's have trust that we can build a much better world, even if it means leaving the outdated past and many people behind. 

It will be necessary to release the beliefs, practices and societal biases acquired since 1945 and be willing to embrace a new set of rules, perspectives, and methodologies. We can't turn the clock back! Let's focus on moving forward and making the most of the present.

2021 set the stage for the years leading up to 2025, and from 2025 onward, a new generation will begin to shape the future of the world.

Everything is happening FOR us and not to us. We understand! Navigating change can be particularly challenging, especially when we've been accustomed to specific ways of doing things for decades. It's crucial not to remain attached to outdated ways of thinking and our own biases. Instead, it's incumbent upon lightworkers to facilitate a smooth transition for others by helping them embrace the new and unknown.

Photo Credit: istockphoto

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