After enduring significant upheaval in her life, Seriita encountered numerous disappointing consultations with psychics, tarot readers, and astrologers. Self-taught, she took it upon herself to seek a different path and delve into the intricate world of numerology, which became a significant turning point in her spiritual journey.
With only a basic understanding of astrology, Seriita has recently considered taking online courses to delve deeper into astrology.
Seriita finds the life periods designated by the Dashas in Vedic Astrology intriguingly accurate.
Dashas in Vedic astrology refer to planetary periods. A Dasha is ruled by a specific planet for a specific period of time. A person is always undergoing some Dasha or the other. When one Dasha ends, another begins...During a particular Dasha, we may have bad or good experiences or even a mix of both.
Use this free online calculator to determine the planetary period that you are in for a particular stretch of time.
You will be amazed at how accurately the transformative experiences, challenges, and opportunities in your life during each dasha and sub-period are characterized.
Graha | Mahadasha | Lord of Nakshatras | ||
Ketu (south node) | 7 Years | Ashwini | Magha | Mula |
Venus (Shukran) | 20 Years | Bharani | Purva Phalguni(pubba) | Purva Ashadha |
Sun (Adityan) | 6 Years | Krittika | Uttara Phalguni(uttara) | Uttara Ashadha |
Moon (Chandran) | 10 Years | Rohini | Hasta | Shravana |
Mars (Chevva/mangal/kuja) | 7 Years | Mrigashirsha | Chitra | Dhanishtha |
Rahu (north node) | 18 Years | Ardra | Swati | Shatabhishak |
Jupiter (Vyazhan/guru) | 16 Years | Punarvasu | Vishakha | Purva Bhadr |
Saturn (Shani) | 19 Years | Pushya | Anuradha | Uttara Bhadra |
Mercury (Budhan) | 17 Years | Ashlesha | Jyestha | Revati |
Table Credit: wikipedia.org