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On Dubious Ground | Tim Walz

From the heart of Minnesota, with over 5.7 million people, Tim Walz made the leap to the spotlight in the United States, where he's gained the national attention of more than 342 million people. On August 6, 2024, Universal Day 22, Vice President Kamala Harris announced that 60-year-old Minnesota Governor Walz, Life Number 3, had been chosen as her running mate for the 2024 presidential campaign.

Age and vitality matter for the next several years. Harris and Walz are 20 years senior to J.D. Vance and 18 years junior to Donald Trump. At this point in history, it is essential to acknowledge that both Harris and Walz, despite their extensive experience and expertise, are not considered to be young by any means.

Walz is currently in his 2024 Personal Year 18/9, and August is his Personal Month 26/8. His life suddenly changed on August 6, his Personal Day 32/5. While the number 8 may carry karmic implications, it often brings about positive financial gains, honors and advancements in career and social standing.

We won't delve deeply into this topic because everything related to the presidential election is currently uncertain on both sides of the political spectrum.

Walz was born on April 6, 1964. Before running for Congress, he worked as a social studies teacher and football coach. 3 is over-optimistic, an outstanding communicator and a captivating entertainer, skillful in using words to convey messages effectively. Born on the 6th, teaching would be a compelling career choice. Pythagorean Destiny 67/13/4 can explain his military service (4) as part of the National Guard.

No matter what outward appearances may suggest, Walz is conscientious and demonstrates practicality in his approach. The 16 letters in his full birth name and 7 letters in his first name suggest that he is intelligent, perfectionistic, reflective, and likely spiritual.

Judging by the numbers, Governor Walz's approach involves embracing liberal (3) policies on some issues while advocating for conservative (6) policies on others.

Walz started his eight-year 'power' letter Z transit in 2024, which means he'll be well-liked by the public. The numbers also suggest Walz will quickly rise to prominence and high-level positions within five years. Consequently, there will be an increase in travel, and he will have less time for his family.

Every ten years, the letter Z in Walz's family name transits. The point of reference for the previous transit is from 2007 to 2014. He was elected to the House of Representatives for Minnesota's 1st congressional district in 2006. Judging by the numbers, it seems he may have struggled with his health and balancing his family life during that time. Based on his blueprint, the letter Z cycle proves to be an emotionally and physically demanding experience.

Walz is in a Final Pinnacle 6, so achieving work-life balance is extremely important.

In 2025, Walz starts the final cycle of his life, his Harvest Year 20/2 and Final Pinnacle 24/6. He's been in his Final Pinnacle since 2016, and his Harvest Year begins in 2025. This means that past years have been confusing and very transformative. Judging by the numbers, Walz had a particularly tough time between 2013 and 2020. The numbers suggest unexpected changes from 2023 to 2025.

Saturn will be in Pisces from March 7, 2023, until February 13, 2026; thus, when Walz will experience his Saturn Return.

If elected, United States citizens can rely on Walz to be dependable, hardworking, and consistently go above and beyond for the people he serves. Still, his numerology blueprint is worrying. For starters, Walz has a lifelong Challenge 2. He is also very emotionally sensitive, often choosing to keep his emotions private and hidden from others. The numbers suggest that there are extended periods in the past and future when he appears to be overwhelmed by his emotions.

The letter Z is associated with emotions, so its transit may bring out strong feelings.

Walz has an Ultimate Goal of 7, which suggests the type of career and projects in which he would find fulfillment in inspiring, leading, and organizing. So, we aren't too sure if Walz is going to enjoy the pressures and constant criticism of being the Vice President.

Secrets Aren't Safe! When you reach the highest office levels, rather than searching the haystack with a rake, they hire someone to sift through the straws one by one. If there are any secrets or scandals from his past, they could be revealed.

The numbers suggest an advantage through a partnership, but this also can lead to an unexpected split. 

Shakey and Shady

Tim Walz is another person who started in a new direction before his new start in October 2024. Similar to J.D. Vance, Walz will almost certainly encounter numerous obstacles and setbacks between now and October. Additionally, both of them will most likely experience a loss before January 2025. The indications provided by the departing and arriving or current Pinnacles are suggestive.

GAME OF DRAGONS. Is there a hidden agenda for Democrats to clinch a 2024 win against the Republican ticket of former President Donald Trump and JD Vance? Individuals born in the year of the DRAGON Chinese zodiac animal are very likely to face challenges in 2024. We anticipate a major event or consequence to occur soon!

Barrack Obama - Fire Dragon

Nancy Pelosi - Metal Dragon

Kamala Harris - Fire Dragon

Tim Walz - Fire Dragon

Minnesota is not considered a swing state, but Trump has insisted that it’s a state he could win in 2024.

This year, swing states are those that flipped parties in the presidential election between 2016 and 2020. They include Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. Nebraska, Nevada, and North Carolina are also part of the conversation when discussing battleground states.

Once again, there is a dark shadow cast on the 2024 presidential election.

Fate & Destiny. Universal Day 22/4 and Universal Year 8 are strong indicators of potential major issues or an impending crisis. Keep in mind we're in a period of reversals! The significance of this presidential election is hard to overstate. It's completely unprecedented, unlike anything Americans have experienced in their lifetime. We will continue to emphasize this point because it's crucial to recognize the magnitude of this historical moment.

Keep an eye on August to October. These are crucial months for J.D. Vance, Trump, Harris and Walz.

Again, everything is as clear as mud, but we have a nagging feeling that an October surprise may be looming. The energy is moving fast, so we should buckle down because, in the final days of September, situations start unraveling.


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