Yet another validation that there is something strange about number 3 and the disease cancer. Olivia Munn announced Wednesday, March 13, 2024, that she has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Born July 3, 1980, she's a 3-born and currently in her Productive Year 3 and final year of her Second Pinnacle 21/3.
She's undergone surgeries and a double mastectomy after a mammogram in her Personal Year 8 revealed the diagnosis.

Letter S was transiting in 2021. S is EMOTIONAL, which means the letter arouses emotional responses and causes a person to be sensitive to their environment. During a Transit Letter S, beware of unanticipated happenings that cause losses, confrontations or extreme changes in family relationships, home life, budget, employment, and perhaps even a limited period of lonesomeness and worry.
For one year in your life, the Transit Letter S can trigger sudden love affairs that are unusual and unexpected, thrilling, startling, yet disruptive at the outset.
Your emotions may have clouded or distorted your life's direction in some way; however, any obstacles can be removed if you put your mind to it. But during a Transit Letter S, it may take a little more effort than usual to straighten things out.
Often, pregnancy is associated with transiting S, which is known as a love vibration. The letter S is also known to give a promising new start in an entrepreneurial endeavor or one's career.
It makes numeric sense that she began dating comedian John Mulaney in 2021, and their son was born on November 24, 2021. This was her Personal Year 6, and also, the letters S and U were transiting.
Judging by the numbers, for several years since age 36 (a tower moment), she's been an emotional wreck. Her last two Pinnacles are 4 and 7, which means that Munns physical, mental and emotional health will have to be made a priority.
The numbers suggest the cancer could have surfaced in 2021.

It appears as though people who are extremely emotionally sensitive are more affected by cancer than others. Over many years, we have witnessed celebrities, friends, neighbors and relatives with a prominent 3 or 9 diagnosed with cancer. Hence, many diagnosed with cancer are in the entertainment field (3). In all honestly, we haven't done our due diligence and scrutinized the many blueprints to determine the common factors other than 3.