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October 2024 | The Boiling Point

A sequence of events that started in February culminated in September, and in October, we are all sowing new seeds for the coming year. October is an important point in everyone's life. Please pay attention to events in your life in October, as what is changing may not always be obvious, but it is transformational.

There may be one or two shocking surprises between October 9, 2024, and November 3, 2024.

We encourage you to be careful on October 11,  20 and 29. If you are traveling on these days, be prepared for potential delays and cancellations. This 8 energy is colliding with its enemy 9, making for a perilous and tumultuous October, particularly for prominent people in entertainment, government, business, and political leaders, especially the people who hold power.

8 concerns worldly attachments and one's ego-driven decisions. Thus, in September, we were challenged to let go of those attachments and ideologies and rein in our egos. In October, the same remains true!

As December 2024 draws to a close, many of you will reflect on the year's busyness, expenses, and the remaining tasks from now until January 2025. You may decide to be done with something or someone, or something concludes by its natural nature. By now, some of you are questioning your living conditions. In October, be alert for signs of potential issues that may cause worry. This is a period when prayer and faith can be particularly valuable. 

We must persevere through 2025 and 2026 in order to witness the emergence of an entirely new world order.

Since February 2024, everyone, including corporations and governments, has been experiencing higher expenses. Whether you can handle your expenses with ease or struggle to make ends meet, willingly or reluctantly, since May 2024, you find yourself burdened with increased costs.

Anticipate relief on the horizon! The burden of financial strain will gradually begin to lighten starting around October 7, 2024. However, the relief might be too late for specific individuals and corporations.

As forecasted in our monthly divination posts, the Feds finally cut interest rates in September. It's also been reported that weekly applications for unemployment benefits hit a four-month low. The numbers suggest unemployment will slowly begin to rise again in 2026, causing an uptick in unemployment claims as we enter a new era.

As December 2024 draws to a close, many of you will reflect on the year's busyness, expenses, and the remaining tasks from October to December. You may decide to be done with something or someone, or something concludes by its natural nature. By now, some of you are questioning your living conditions. In October, be alert for signs of potential issues that may cause worry. This is a period when prayer and faith can be particularly valuable.

In October, it's essential to consider various aspects of our lives, such as public reputation, job security, wealth, financial investments, health, real estate, business ventures and relationships. The presence of the number 9 on the horizon signifies that significant life lessons will come to the forefront, and some individuals may inevitably experience setbacks and financial losses as a result.

Despite the seemingly pleasant humanitarian aspects, the number 9 can reveal a brutal side.

Humanity is currently integrating lessons dating back to 2016. In October, we will delve deeper into the core of our existence, gaining insight into the extent of our excavation.

A situation started to unfold in February 2024, culminating in an irreversible state by September. This ongoing issue will either be resolved or escalated further in January or February 2025. Below are examples of how the energy works.

  • The Raids on Sean "Diddy" Combs' Miami and Los Angeles homes occurred on March 25, 2024, followed by his arrest in September 2024. This suggests that major developments for Combs may unfold from November 2024 to February 2025. 

  • FBI raids as part of a corruption investigation into Eric Adams peaked in September.

  • In a significant development, a federal judge in Texas approved the auction and sale of Alex Jones' media company to help pay victims of the Sandy Hook defamation case in September.

Reflect on your own life! What situations developed between February and June 2024 that kept your feet to the fire in July and August before finally culminating in September? Keep in mind that the events occurring in November or December 2024 will provide insight into the type of situations you may have to handle in January and February 2025. 

For individuals experiencing Personal Years 4, 6, and 8, the challenges this year have been particularly intense. Something is rapidly changing that gives a glimmer of hope in October 2024. On the other hand, for those in Personal Years 3, 5, 7, and 9, October is expected to bring increased activity and responsibilities.

September and October are very important every year. 

Some of you are finally beginning to realize that your lifestyle and living conditions aren't sustainable. For some of you, this could be due to the devastating loss of a job or a marriage partner. For those whose careers and bank accounts have seen considerable growth this year, the desire for a larger home has become a natural next step. People in Personal Years 1, 3, 5, 8, and 9 are usually the ones contemplating a change of residence.

October Warm-Up Act

In October 2024, we receive a preview of what could be coming our way by May 2025. The situation that will come to light in October 2024 will carry a more significant and meaningful implication than in any other year in the past nine years. It is essential to acknowledge that for many individuals, there may be experiences of loss, suffering, and pain during January and February 2025.

October will prove to be an incredibly tumultuous month, with disruptions across various aspects of life. Judging by the numbers, the period leading up to the November United States election will be chaotic. This is because, in October, people are more emotionally reactive. The United States presidential election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Universal Day 23/5, a day in which people are ambitious and passionate about change. At the same time, with 8 still on the horizon, there could be manipulation for control and misuse of power.

Judging by the numbers, October storms and hurricanes can be costly and deadly.

The changes that lie ahead, whether they are experienced on an individual level or as part of a larger group, are directly linked to deeply felt emotions and perhaps a loss. What matter has finally reached its peak in September? October's energy can be destructive as it begins the long process of sweeping away the old to ensure that there's no going back to what was before.

The reckoning is upon us, and nobody is safe! 9 brings hidden secrets out into the open and brings about transformation and far-reaching change. 

Like in September, we will continue to hear reversals of fortune, reputation, health, etc., in October. Look out for reports of accelerated wars, aerial attacks, civil unrest, bombings, uprisings, strikes, airline crashes, explosions and fires aboard ships. The death toll is expected to increase significantly in October and throughout most of 2025. We anticipate hearing about drafts in various countries and a possible draft registration in the United States sometime in October 2024.  

According to a divine plan, the trajectory of numerous corporate and government power structures is expected to undergo considerable changes in the next two years.

8 represents executives and large corporations. Therefore, from September to March 2025, we can expect even more changes in areas defined by 8. Situations since February 2024 culminated in September; as forecasted, we began hearing about executives stepping down, being fired, incarcerated and dying. Ultimately, the changes at the top will shape each company's future trajectory.

  • The CEO of Waffle House has died.

  • The Chair of Wendy's stepped down.

  • Norfolk Southern CEO was fired.

  • NYC police commissioner resigns.

  • Mayor Adams's top city hall lawyer resigns.

  • Nike's chief executive will retire next month in an abrupt leadership change.

You can't sugarcoat it! The world is not in a good place right now. Regardless, everyone needs to be patient and ready to adapt. That said, October is going to be a humdinger! October is a Calendar Month 10 (the ups and downs of life), Universal Month 18 (wars, forcible overthrow of a government, suffering and loss), and Universal Year 8 (the material world).

The October energy will sweep through our "closets" and demand that we take a hard look at what's been hiding in there. In October 2024 and throughout 2025, everyone deals with endings rather than new beginnings. It's time to confront your old identity and karma as the old structures of your life begin to collapse. 

In our journey forward, we find ourselves compelled to release the outdated attachments that weigh us down. This act of letting go is essential as we prepare to embark on a new 81-year cycle that begins in 2026. This next nine-year phase is intricately intertwined with the exploration and embrace of our individuality and the summoning of our inner courage. 

Remember that over the next 15 months, old structures of your life and the world will be dissolved.

This is an emotionally intense period as it will be a period of endings. The lessons from both 8 and 9 remind us of the fragility of our mortal lives and the limitations of our earthly existence. It is a sad realization that, as a result of unforeseen events or actions, a significant number of individuals may experience harm, loss of a loved one or loss of their lives.

In October, the world will likely encounter unexpected massive events and changes that could lead to both suffering, losses and transformative experiences. These could affect various aspects of life, such as government, employment, the economy, banking, manufacturing etc. These challenging experiences can be a catalyst for transformation and the birth of something different and potentially positive in the future.

The process of creating something new often arises from the experience of brokenness and emotional suffering.

Old wounds will be reopened! October 2024 can bring sudden health challenges for many. Remember that the energies are more potent again in October. We've introduced you to the fantastic Hellenistic astrology annual profections.  Once again, we encourage those of you, ages 53, 65, 77, and 89, who are in a 6th house perfection year and 2025 Personal Year 4, to be prepared to prioritize your health. Work can be a source of contention for some people, especially those of you aged 29 and 41. If you are in a 2025 Personal Year 9 and 12th house profection, there's something or someone you will probably have to let go of.

The Oct. 14 annular solar eclipse will be visible from eight states in the U.S. Southwest. This type of eclipse happens when the moon is slightly farther away from Earth than usual, making it appear too small to block out the entire sun and instead leave a thin "ring of fire" visible. ..And later in the month, on Oct. 28, a partial lunar eclipse will be visible from much of the Eastern Hemisphere, including Europe, Africa, Asia, Antarctica and Oceania.

We understand that you're tired of hearing about illnesses. We're almost done with this ten-year cycle of health, but until then, diseases will continue to be a major concern for the next nine months. Keep in mind that global health issues and hard-to-control diseases will be prevalent. There may also be a significant increase in flu viruses, COVID-19, tuberculosis, respiratory infections, HIV/AIDS, other sexually transmitted diseases, malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases, and viral hepatitis.

Hospitals are already experiencing a surge in patients. For differing reasons, October 2024 through 2025 could be just as overwhelming for hospital staff as it was in 2020.

Remember that Universal numbers represent the universal energy, indicative of events that can impact different areas of the world. Expect a month of infighting within the country's congress, armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country and rivalry within families. October is a tense month!

We pay particular attention to the last two digits; 20 is a stable number from 2000 to 2099. In 2024, 24 is generally the main focus for the year. Family, children, marriage, housing, women's issues, finances, and older people are concerns. As of October 2024, the main themes shift to taxes, consumer and national debt, public mental health, and unfinished legal affairs. All of which will receive increased attention and create tensions in 2025.

Partnerships will be important in December 2024 and February 2025. Are your partnerships working well for you? This includes your partnership with your nation. Be prepared for unexpected separations in partnerships during these months. All types of relationships, partnerships, and alliances will be put to the test. Some of you may need to let go. Even if you believe you have resolved any issues, you might find that in February 2025, things won't work out.

It is imperative for each of us, individually and collectively, to confront an ongoing and deteriorating situation that became apparent in our personal lives and societal context in 2007. The Great Recession commenced in December 2007. Something that has been left undone for too long needs to be resolved. As we approach the final chapter, there is a sense of anticipation for the resolution of what has been holding us back. This will release long-held emotions and feelings.

Remember that October 2024 is a Universal Month, 18/9. During this month, events may involve foreign affairs, global conflicts, terrorism, political executions, widespread demonstrations, bombings, violent uprisings, mob violence, prejudice-motivated crimes, potentially deadly natural disasters and extreme climate/weather events.

Your Life Number is significant as it represents your life lessons in this lifetime.

Over the next twelve months, individuals with Life number 9 can expect lessons that involve suffering. We've been in a 9 Cycle since 2016; however, in 2025, the Universal Year 9 and Directive Cycle 9 align, leading to collective experiences that are vital life lessons for all of humanity.

In the month of October, foreign correspondents need to be especially vigilant and exercise caution in their work.

Warning: 2025 is expected to be a particularly challenging year! Pythagorean Destiny 9, you already know how to harness the energy of the 2025 Universal Year 9 and Directive Cycle 9. You aren't perfect, but your exceptional kindness, empathy, and generosity will attract individuals from diverse backgrounds to seek your support during these trying times. 

2025 concerns the power of the mind, relationships, finances, legal matters, hidden adversaries (physical or health-related), confusion, and sudden changes that may lead to isolation, sadness, or withdrawal.

Secrets Aren't Safe! It will be pretty alarming from October 2024 through November 2025 as 9 works to leave us a better and more balanced world. Many people with inflated egos are not prepared to handle what is coming their way!

The intense energies of October 2024 will persist until roughly May 2025. 9 brings about experiences in which you endure suffering and pain to lead to a higher state of consciousness.

Once again, the law of justice will be in effect in 2025. 

It's never all! Numerous individuals in Karmic Debt Cycles 13, 14, and 16  and people with a Pythagorean Destiny 14/5, Pythagorean Destiny 16/7, born on the 8, 17, or 26 of any month, Personal Years 7 or 8 or Pinnacles 7 or 8 could have a long battle to defend and maintain their reputation, marriage, social status, health, properties, money, investments and job. These people are in danger of losing everything! 

The situations we believed to have been resolved or forgotten since 2016 are now reappearing and demanding attention.

9 relates to everyone in the world and also represents large-scale affairs. For the next eight months, situations will become unstable around the world, and conflict will escalate internationally. Anticipate heightened divisions among powerful nations and the leaders of the world's largest economies.

Growing international tensions in October.

As we mentioned in previous posts, people have a short fuseFrom October to December 2024, relationships will become increasingly complex, and instances of employee strikes and uprisings will rise. As existing tensions intensify, a significant threat to global peace will emerge.

Immigration could become a hot-button issue in October 2024.

Unfortunately, this will continue in 2025. Disputes and lack of harmony will emerge between nations, political leaders and their constituents, spouses, siblings, business associates, companies and their employees, leading to tension and conflict.

These are two examples of the types of situations we'll continuously hear about.

  • On Friday night, September 13, the rock band Jane's Addiction abruptly ended their Boston concert after an altercation between lead singer Perry Farrell and guitarist Dave Navarro. 

  • Once friends, a Kentucky sheriff shot and killed a judge in the courthouse chambers.

In October, it's important to be mindful of situations that could potentially provoke strong emotional reactions. It's crucial to avoid toxic environments and relationships. Additionally, since October resonates with 18/9, there is an elevated risk of conflicts and potentially even a higher likelihood of serious consequences and loss of life.

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