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No More Go Along To Get Along

Numerically, 2020 was a turning point! For several more years, individuals, business and government leaders will steadfastly assert their individuality, beliefs and desires, refusing to compromise on their principles to preserve peaceful and harmonious relationships. Therefore, conflicts and violence arise! We have been observing this since 2021. In our recent post, 'Domestic and Global Conflict is Heating Up,' we discussed escalation conflicts globally and within personal, political and business partnerships.

Countless issues, though not always entirely new, have amassed over time and now require resolution.

Take, for example.

Journey is a rock band that was formed in 1973. Since 2020, there has been some contention within the band. Presently, the band's two key members, longtime keyboardist Jonathan Cain (8-born) and the band's sole remaining co-founder, lead guitarist Neal Schon (9-born), are currently in court fighting over Journey's tour management.

Tensions between Blake Lively (Life Number 4) and Justin Baldoni (2nd Pinnacle 1), cast members of 'It Ends With Us,' are reportedly leading to creative conflicts behind the scenes. Allegedly, Baldoni has hired a crisis public relations manager.

The Murdoch family is locked in a secret court battle over succession and control of its vast empire, worth $19.5 billion. 

9 brings underlying issues into focus and ultimately resolves or concludes them. 

In the coming sixteen to twenty-two months, we can expect to witness a rise in family, business, political, and ongoing conflicts around the world, followed by resolutions. That's not to say there won't be other escalating conflicts; there will be. Universal Year 1 will also have its fair share of battles and violence.

1, 4, 8 and 9 tend toward stubbornness and aggressive behavior.

As we inch closer to 2026, it becomes evident that individuals and leaders are exhibiting heightened levels of independence and self-centeredness and also actively embracing a more assertive and independent mindset. Regardless, don't lose hope; it will take many years, but we will eventually reach a peaceful time.

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