If your birth name contains the Letter Y, you will undergo a seven-year period of introspection and eventually make a pivotal life decision.
You've reached a point where the road splits in two, a fork in the road.
For those experiencing a Transit Letter Y, it is time to get involved in something new that expands your personal interests or business activities.
Rather than concentrating on the material side of life—i.e., how much money you will make, whether you will become famous, or whether you will be popular—you must now turn your attention to the higher things in life, things concerning your spirit.
This is a time of emotionalism, shedding and uprooting; as a consequence, there will be something in your life that will eventually work loose and be removed.
Something is muddying the waters.
Interpreting the other transit letters, number transit (Essence), and the Pinnacle is crucial. Together, they help you understand why and how you might respond during these seven years. Such as absent-minded, restless, ill, heavy drinking, introspective, overly emotional, bitter, intemperate, dispirited, argumentative, grief-stricken, and/or secretive.
Letter Transit Y infers that you have arrived at a seven-year branching-off period; the problem is there are two very different roads that you must decide on. One road takes you down the same or similar path, and the other road is far removed from anything you've ever imagined.
Take note of the distinctive shape of the Letter Y. The shape indicates that whether you choose to continue on your current path in life or decide to pursue something entirely different, the effort required is the same. If you're not careful, bitterness, worry, and anxiety can lead to minor health problems for seven years.
During a Letter Transit Y, it behooves you to be very thoughtful and cautious about stimulants such as drugs and alcohol that can turn you into a zombie or make you aggressive.
Rather than depending on crack, heroin, crystal meth, cocaine, amphetamines, prescription drugs, marijuana, and alcohol, try soul-searching, meditation and, most of all, learning to have faith.
During this period, many people experience emotional difficulties. You might feel like isolating yourself from society, facing challenges in your business and/or personal relationships, experiencing career dissatisfaction, or realizing that you have grown apart from old friends, romantic partners, and interests.
In the last two years of these seven years, you are likely to make new friends and connect with colleagues who better support your path.
Typically, business and personal partnerships such as marriage deteriorate or go through countless changes during this period.
Letter Transit Y is unlike any other phase in your life. This phase may not be the happiest, but it can hold great promise. By the second or third year of the seven-year Letter Transit Y, you realize that your perspective on life is changing, often resulting in impulsive responses that have a ripple effect on your life.
A decision must be made, and it's not an easy one!
Be forewarned that this is a foggy seven-year period, a stage in life in which you are sick and tired and fed up but may not know what to do. However, it's a fantastic seven-year period for delving into hidden and unknown mysteries, working out the details of something, researching, soul searching or pursuing higher education.
Ready or not, the train is leaving the gate! The Letter Transit Y will seem as if you are on a long, never-ending track.
Prepare yourself! You may experience alternating feelings of enthusiasm, restlessness, dissatisfaction, and hopelessness. In the final two years of the seven-year period, people typically make sudden yet well-thought-out changes.
Be patient with yourself. The sudden changes may cause your life to be disorganized for a couple of years.
You may not achieve the desired progress until after the seven-year cycle is completed. Enjoy the long-drawn-out ride, and be sure to take hold of any new knowledge and spiritual dashes of realism that slowly become apparent during the seven years.
Carefully consider your options and let go of projects, employment, places, or people that are no longer practical or effective, as well as those that no longer bring you peace of mind or happiness. Identify what or who in your life is holding you back and not contributing to your well-being or spiritual growth.
Consult with Seriita Montiel and discover the self-assurance that comes from giving your soul the care and attention it needs to experience lasting happiness.