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Let People See You!

A thorough understanding of each number and letter is one of the most important parts of numerology forecasting. Moreover, you should always aim to get the most traction out of every cycle, only then can progress be made. Many people ignore or do not take into account small advantages when in fact; a slight edge can be used to get a more substantial gain later on.

Number 5 is a vibration that denotes change, and it shows a relationship to the letters E, N, and W.

In theory, each Number and Letter have a unique character. If your job deals with the public, 5 is the greatest gift you can have! Previously, we looked at the Witty and Energetic Letter E.

Letter W instantly invigorates your social circle; you will meet people who are different, original, inventive, younger, and unique. Be prepared because there are people that will challenge your ways of thinking. Networking is vital, as is, the power of the group! Be careful of spending too much money and getting in debt before the five-year W phase has ended.

The Letter E and Letter W are PHYSICAL; this just means, these letters arouse your vitality. 

As follows, Letters E and W give you the stamina and urge to do things, whereas, the Letter N is MENTAL, it fuels your way of thinking, thus governs your approach and attitude.

As shown by the appearance of each letter, E is the most balanced of the three letters yet all three letters can produce a great interest in something in which a lot of time is devoted or psychological dependence on a potentially harmful substance or pastime.

Letter W is a more extroverted and prosperous Number 5 vibration.

When Letter W is triggered and made active, you are likely to enter into a new business contract that changes your life and gets you a more substantial gain later on. In most instances, you must be prepared to travel, because, in all likelihood, travel is a large chunk of the business deal. Fortunately, you have an abundance of ‘great’ creative ideas and luckily the stamina to execute your plans.

When Letter W is triggered, freedom and variety are essential; thus a job that has a lack of restrictions, a position that gives you a variety of things to do each day is best. Because of the impulsiveness of Number 5, love affairs and marriages happen fast.

Letter W excels in the public; the Letter W is a five-year period when you had better like the public because the public loves you! It is a five-year period to let people see you!

Everybody will not have a Letter W in their birth name. But then, if you do, it’s a five-year period in your life in which you must be resourceful and outgoing. Like all letters that show a relationship to Number 5, Letter W brings fluctuations, unpredictability, uncertainty and sudden changes in your life. 

During a Letter W transit, your creative ideas have hind legs that push you into the open and perhaps even at the forefront of your competitors! But of course, achievement doesn’t just miraculously come about, what is needed with all letters that show a relationship to 5 is level-headedness, perseverance, and the ability to focus your thoughts and effort toward one particular task, idea, or business model.

Without fail, Number 5 fluctuates between procrastination and impulsiveness.

During a Transit Letter W, it is hard to stay in one place or with one particular project for very long. Hence, self-employment, involvement with selling products or services, public speaking, real-estate broker, a journalist who writes a regular column for a newspaper or magazine, insurance adjuster, real-estate agent, flight attendants, Uber driver, truck driver, secret service, competitive games, and races, and showbiz is a few ideal career choices.

Generally speaking, companies looking for quality candidates that are friendly, spirited and socially confident will want to hire people with a Cornerstone Letter (first consonant) W., I.e., Wanda, Wendy, Winter, Wayne, Warren, William, Wesley, Wallace, Whitney.

Where Am I

It is essential to establish career goals that grant access to an occupation that goes well together with your everyday life and interests. When your professional life synchronizes and complements your ever-changing lifestyle, there is a lesser chance of change or deterioration of your professional goals. Before the five-year cycle finishes, you need to feel comforted that your next cycle can continue to move you in the same direction, or at least, maintain all that you have build up.

The Energy IS Real! 

As the succession of letters in your name shift, your mental, physical, emotional and responsiveness is transformed.

Remember life is not static, unchanging. The numbers and letters in your Blueprint are dynamic, helping you continually undergo change and development. The numbers/letters very accurately assist in determining what the event will be and the potential energies that are available at any given time, but what the numbers/letters don’t reveal is what you’ll achieve with the available energy - that is because how you use the letter and numbers strengths is your free will. When all is said and done, there’s no escaping the fact that YOU are the only person who can make your life purposeful and create the future you wish for.

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