Goodbye to music legend Quincy Jones. Quincy Jones died on November 3, 2024, at the age of 91. His Personal Year 25/7 and Personal Month 9. Those of you who follow this blog know that the journeys of individuals from the Greatest (the World War II Generation) and Silent Generations are nearing completion.
Keep in mind that Personal Years 4 and 7 can lead to serious health issues and even death, especially among the elderly.
Born on March 14, 1933, Quincy Jones's career spanned 70 years. He won 28 Grammy Awards out of 80 nominations and a Grammy Legend Award in 1992. Music often serves as the heartbeat of existence for many people with a Life Number 6 or 6-Born. Music energizes their spirits!
Two numbers that can provide a strong start in one's career are 3 and 8. The challenge for many youngsters is sustaining that momentum throughout their lives. This was not the case for Quincy Jones; he began life in a First Pinnacle 17/8, followed by a Second Pinnacle 30/3; his career spanned 70 years.
Irrespective of your year of birth, specific birth months and birth dates provide a strong career start in one's formative years.
March: Calender Month 3 December: Calendar Month 12/3 August: Calendar Month 8
Jan 1, 10, 19, 28 Feb 6, 15 24 Mar 5, 14 23 Apr 4, 13 22 Aug 9, 18, 27 (double 8) Nov 6, 14, 24 Dec 5, 14, 23 ____________
Jan 2, 11, 20, 29 Mar 9, 18, 27 May 7, 16, 25 Sep 3, 12, 21, 30 Nov 2, 11, 20, 29 Dec 9, 18, 27 (double 3)
We have consistently stressed the importance of understanding the characteristics of the numbers in your blueprint.
1974 was Quincy Jones' Personal Year 11 and Third Pinnacle 11. When your Personal Year coincides with your Pinnacle, it portends a particularly important and transformative period in your life. This alignment often brings unexpected opportunities or events that can have a lasting impact.
Quincy Jones had two brain surgeries after suffering a life-threatening brain aneurysm in 1974.
First surgery: Jones had a 7.5-hour surgery to treat the initial aneurysm.
Second surgery: Jones had a second surgery to treat a second aneurysm that was about to burst.
Since 1991, his final years were spent in a Harvest Year 16/7, coinciding with a Final Pinnacle 19/1. Like many people in a Life Cycle or Pinnacle 7, he likely struggled with depression and health issues. Diabetes is often seen in 7 cycles.
In 2015, I went into a diabetic coma & took what should've been my last breath. By the grace of God I made it through, but not without having to make some MAJOR adjustments.
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