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History of Protests

In the earthly world, what happened in the past is a starting point for numerologists researching what may happen in the future. This is because the events that occurred in the past are likely to occur again in the future. It's hard to predict where or how the event will unfold, even if you have all the previous information at hand. The thrill of uncertainty!

5 is restless, a thrill seeker, an activist and a sensationalist.

May is Calendar Month 5 and Universal Month 14/5, which can often bring about unrest. 5 is also known for unpredictable results and uncontrollable situations.

This is not to say that unrest isn't associated with other numbers. Still, recently, we discovered that 8 is a trigger for unrest, such as the Baltimore riots of 2015, the Detroit Race Riot that erupted during the summer of 1943 and the student strike of 1970.

All the uprisings occurred in Universal Year 8; 1970 was Directive Cycle 3, 2015 was Directive Cycle 8 and 1943 and 2024 were Directive Cycles 9. 

In April 2024, Universal Month 12, any situation could potentially become difficult to manage and may spiral out of control. We have students on college campuses protesting in support of Palestinians. Tensions on US college campuses have unexpectedly risen since Hamas militants killed about 1,200 people and took more than 200 hostages on October 7, 2024.

Compound number 12 suggests that students who do not participate in protests are likely to suffer because of others' wrongdoings, such as those who defied a deadline to leave the campus and/or vandalizing campus property.

2024 Universal Year 8 | May 2024, Universal Month 13, is a month of tremendous power. Unfortunately, this won't be a time of peace and stability. Karmic Debt 13 is known for its turmoil and economic turbulence.

  • On April 12, 2015, Baltimore Police Department officers arrested Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old black male. Gray's neck and spine were injured while he was in a police vehicle, and he went into a coma. On April 18, there were protests in front of the Western District police station. Seven days later, Gray died, and more protests were organized. Violent riots erupted from April 18 – May 3, 2015 (17 days). At least twenty police officers were injured, at least 250 people were arrested, 285 to 350 businesses were damaged, 150 vehicle fires, 60 structure fires, and 27 drugstores looted.

  • On June 20, 1943, Black and White youths engaged in racially motivated fighting. Violence was curbed by the arrival of over 3,500 troops in jeeps and armored personnel carriers armed with automatic weapons.

  • On April 30, 1970, President Nixon announced the expansion of the Vietnam War into Cambodia. On May 1, protests on college campuses and in cities throughout the US began. Significant protests occurred in Seattle and at the University of Maryland, the University of Cincinnati, and Princeton University, with nearly 900 campuses nationwide participating. The 1970 massive protest across the United States included walkouts from college and high school classrooms, initially in response to the United States expansion of the Vietnam War into Cambodia. The protest began on May 1 but increased significantly after the shooting of students at Kent State University by National Guardsmen on May 4. While many violent incidents occurred during the protests, they were, for the most part, peaceful.

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