If you have been following us for some time, you are aware that we predicted an increase in unemployment. This year, 2024 Universal Year 8, there is a high probability that many senior and executive managers may lose their jobs. Additionally, managers and supervisors who communicate upper-management instructions to lower-level staff are also at risk.
We put little credence on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. We anticipate a gradual rise in unemployment starting in April 2024 and continuing until the end of the year.
Don't forget that 9 represents endings, and as such, 2025 Universal Year 9 will likely result in numerous more job losses. However, it is important to remember that there are resources available to those affected by unemployment, such as severance pay and job training programs. By taking advantage of these resources, individuals can position themselves to succeed in their job search and secure a new, fulfilling career path.
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