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Domestic And Global Conflict Is Heating Up

Numbers 7 and 9 are similar to to the Master Numbers in that achieving the highest levels of these numbers is difficult. Both numbers are also associated with heavier, emotional lessons.

In a mundane world, the number 9 has the incredible potential to elicit emotional experiences and trigger deep transformations, losses and changes.

Beginning in September 2024, Calendar Month 9, we will hear of increasing numbers of gang violence and massive protests escalating into violence and increasing humanitarian crises.

The number 9 fosters division, negativity, hostility, heightened emotions, and challenging circumstances. Universal Year 9 will lead to increased tension in the relationships between leaders and citizens of different nations and conflict between nations.

As 1 approaches the horizon, we will witness a considerable shift toward leaders and nations prioritizing their self-interest over collective and global interests. 

The emphasis on individuality and radical change is strong in the initial five years of Directive Cycle 1 (2026-2030).  In the past, influencers, governments, and corporate leaders had significant power to influence and guide the masses in the direction they desired, effecting the changes they sought.    

From August 2024 until September 2026, we will experience the most unforeseen changes of our lifetime. It's going to be a wild ride, so figure out how to remain comfortable! Remember, the most important thing is SURVIVAL, not winning.

Over the next five months, there is an increased risk of assassinations and attempted assassinations.  Presidents, chancellors, and prime ministers must remain on high alert.

Conflict is inevitable! 2016 marked the start of a decade-long 9 cycle. For this reason, the potential for uprisings and conflicts around the world saw a notable increase in 2021, with various regions experiencing heightened prejudice and social and political tensions, contributing to an atmosphere of social unrest, riots, civil disobedience, instability and war.

9 produces disharmony in the world. September is a Calendar Month 9, October is a Universal Month, 18/9 and 2025 is a Universal Year 9. These are periods in which everyone will constantly be tested for their compassion and selfless love for others and heightened tensions due to economic, political, and social inequality. This is an unstable period, which can be marked by intense difficulty or danger.

Anticipate increased discord in personal, political and business relationships, with many spouses and business partners parting ways between September 2024 and September 2025.

It's worth noting that romantic relationships and marriages may have faced particularly challenging dynamics during Directive Cycle 9, and the chances of this occurring increase between September 2024 and September 2025. This can infer the death of a spouse or a lover or an illness that creates a barrier in a relationship. 

Since roughly 2014, many have experienced loss or divorce; it's important to recognize that often, there is something even greater to compensate for any loss or setback. It's crucial to be able to let go without harboring regret or resentment and to surmount any disappointments that may arise. 


The numerology timelines differ from those in astrology. Critical years for reference are 1936 to 1944.

1944 | Directive Cycle 9 and Universal Year 9

D-Day was the name given to the June 6, 1944, invasion of the beaches at Normandy in northern France by troops from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and other countries during World War II. France at the time was occupied by the armies of Nazi Germany, and the amphibious assault—codenamed Operation Overlord—landed some 156,000 Allied soldiers on the beaches of Normandy by the end of the day. -

Conflicts and instabilities that arose in 2021 and 2023 will lead to further erosion in 2025. In 2021, we had the Israel–Palestine crisis, and in 2023, the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip. There was also a build-up of tanks, other military hardware and Russian troops on the border with Ukraine, and China-Taiwan tensions in 2021.

Judging by the numbers, whatever this conflict or war happens to be, it will likely be short-lived and over between May 2026 and September 2026.

Technological advancements writes,

On August 6, 1945, during World War II (1939-45), an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The explosion immediately killed an estimated 80,000 people; tens of thousands more would later die of radiation exposure. Three days later, a second B-29 dropped another A-bomb on Nagasaki, killing an estimated 40,000 people.

History repeats! In 2021, it was reported that the United States Army is building the world’s most powerful laser weapon. The weapon is capable of vaporizing targets and interrupting adversaries’ technology signals. It is over one million times more powerful than any other laser developed before. The US military has been increasingly interested in laser weapons because they can engage targets at much higher speed. 

Mark your calendars for October 2024 - there appears to be something surprising!

Globally, we're at a tipping point with dramatic consequences. Judging by the numbers, there's a lot going on in 2025 and 2026; these won't be easy years for government and corporate leaders. Karmic Debt months April (13), May (14), and July to December (21/3) are highlighted months in 2025.

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