In historic measures on December 1, 2023, with 311 yes votes George Santos was expelled from the House of Representatives. This is the first time a member of Congress has been expelled without a conviction.
The House Ethics Committee found Santos used campaign money and donations to fund a lavish lifestyle, engaged in fraud and filed false election reports.
In our May 10, 2023 post we wrote, "During his Second Pinnacle, there is clearly a job change and a possible relocation that will take place. Over the next five months, a no-win situation will come to a head. The chances of him serving a long prison term are slim. Santos has to walk away from his congressional district."
Thirty-five-year-old Santos was born on July 22, 1988, making 2023 his ending year. As often as not something comes to a close; Santo's is held accountable in December which will have far-reaching consequences in February 2024.
George Santos will always love the spotliight! Unfortunately, the numbers suggest that he is arrogant and hot-headed (1) and has a superiority complex, intemperate and dishonest.
If he's planning on writing a book this is an opportune time to do it!
In 2024, Santos is in a 2nd Pinnacle 3. Expect him to be self-gratifying and have a devil-may-care attitude about most things. In spite of that, Santos can thrive in the next nine years.
A Web of Deceit
Fraudulently voted in by New York's 3rd congressional district, Santos will forfeit his $14,700 monthly salary, free airport parking and airfare, on-site gym, up to 239 days off, healthcare benefits, retirement plan, death benefits, and a $250,000 budget for travel.