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August 2024 | Upheaval Shifts Our Consciousness

July was quite eventful, to say the least. On July 19, the Calendar Month 7 and Universal Day 34/7, we experienced the largest global tech outage in modern history. This outage highlighted the vulnerabilities in our reliance on technology. On July 21, 2024, Biden dropped out of the presidential campaign and passed the bottom to Kamala Harris.

United States Politics

We'll be keeping an eagle eye on former President Trump from August to November 2024. As we stated in one of our previous posts, we don't believe either he or Joe Biden will be on the November ballot. Both of them, in addition to being older, do not fit into the future universal plans. For this reason, we suspect another political upset is on the horizon, and this time, it can involve the Republican party. Again, everything is as clear as mud, so we have to see how things pan out between now and November.

If we are accurate, the divine plan will produce extraordinary and unprecedented global transformations from October 2024 to 2028.

August is Trump's Personal Month 36/9 and Personal Year 28/1, and September and October involve a sudden and unexpected change. Remember that the numbers 1 and 11/2 elude to change, which is unpredictable, and 11/2 has to do with partnerships. August, September, and October are pivotal months for Trump! If he can make it to November, some of the intensity might clear, but in December, Trump has a financial, family, career, legal, and health month. Whatever happens in December 2024 won't get results or wrap up until February 2025.

Events in Personal Year 1 force the person onto a new path in life in accordance with their Pinnacle. The change does not have to be major; even a tiny change can have a meaningful impact on the course of your life. For Donald Trump, situations in the coming months can involve money, real estate, health, business, influence, and power. Moreover, from our numeric perspective, 2025 won't be easy for him either.

Tower Moment

We wrote,

The faces of the U.S. government will undergo significant changes by 2028. Remember that Directive Cycle 1 is characterized by a more youthful energy. March holds the potential for surprises in the universe, including the deaths, retirements, and firings of the Silent Generation and Baby Boomers.

During August and September, a continual conflict arises between the material and spiritual realms. 

August is a Calendar Month 8 and a Universal Month 16/7. The numbers 7 and 8 don't vibe, nor do the numbers 8 and 9, Calendar Month 9 and Universal Month 17, which are the energies in September. As it has since 2008, the consequences of greed continue to be a prominent issue (8) in August, forcing us to learn the importance of self-denial.

Look for an exciting start to August, with the first eighteen days offering captivating possibilities. It also seems likely that there will be challenging economic developments in August and/or September.

The numbers suggest that in the 2024 Universal Year 8, August and September will witness significant developments in the realms of executives, business owners, sports, large corporations, labor markets, finances, real estate, summer resorts and hotels, and government positions. Thus, events in August may center around the economy, job loss, real estate, banking, prominent businesses, corporate and government leaders, judges, intelligent services, religious institutions, shipping, and sports. 

Silicon Valley resonates with 59/14. At some point, from September 2024 to June 2025, Silicon Valley could be in the media spotlight due to its status as the region with the highest concentration of high-tech companies and the most wealth in the United States.

It is also worth noting that both the numbers 7 and 8 have symbolic associations with judges, suggesting the possibility of events or changes in the judicial sphere, as well as intelligence services, secret service agents, criminal investigations, medical research, television and religious institutions.

Unfortunately, loss of life and destruction can be outcomes of both Karmic Debt 16 and also 9. 

In both August and September, we are anticipating the occurrence of at least two major events symbolic of 8. These events are expected to serve as a wake-up call for humanity, encouraging people to reflect on their actions and impact on the world.

The number of fatalities and health issues is also expected to be extremely high, and many individuals with declining health and well-known celebrities are at risk of passing away during August and September. 

As this decade-long "health" cycle comes to a close, we will witness an unprecedented rise in illnesses and deaths. It's never all; nevertheless, prepare for a substantial rise in time and expenses related to illness for those in their Personal Year 4 or Personal Year 7 in 2025. This shift in health will become particularly evident in October 2024.

Again, these are unprecedented times. Be prepared for some exciting changes starting in August 2024! In just five months, we'll begin to see some situations turning around and experiencing major reversals. 

September, OCTOBER, and November will be the most eventful months of 2024. 

Whatever occurs in November 2024 will not be finalized until January 2025. We sense something being concealed within the United States election process, and it appears that the democratic system has not been functioning optimally with respect to both parties for quite some time.

In the event of any adverse or confusing circumstances arising from the United States election, it is important to note that a conclusive result will not be determined until January 2025.

8 represents accountability. We have witnessed this repeatedly, so we have cautioned individuals in Personal Year 9 that they may face setbacks if they try to move in a new direction before October of their Personal Year 9. For this reason, it seems that J.D. Vance is on uncertain ground.!

Expect to witness surprising, even shocking, turnarounds for numerous individuals in their 2024 Personal Year 9 that have acted prematurely. Keep in mind that circumstances for individuals in Personal Year 9 are intensifying as they come to a head and will remain in a state of flux until August of the Personal Year 11/2.

In Personal Year 9, it's important to avoid being excessively self-focused and practice self-restraint.  

There is a noticeable shift in August. An expanding portion of the population will exhibit behavior that is heavily influenced by emotions. This increasingly prevalent pattern of behavior will impact various aspects of people's lives for about fifteen months. 

Relationships, whether in business or personal life, will become more challenging from August 2024 onwards.

Look for comments to be emotionally driven and thus nastier than usual. You may want to turn off comments for the remainder of this year.

7 is associated with deceit and the mind, so in August, it's important to be mindful of one's thoughts. 9 is associated with heightened nervousness, fear, fragmented thinking, and overwhelming emotions. This can lead to bitterness, resentment, misunderstandings, and gloominess in September.

Together, in 2025, Directive Cycle 9 and Universal Year 9 have a way of rousing us from our slumber by presenting us with challenges. Its effects tend to be more emotional than physical, permeating our private and concealed spheres of life. As a result, situations can be emotionally demanding rather than physically taxing.

August and September 2024 will undoubtedly bring notable and impactful changes. This shouldn't be surprising, as we've mentioned before, that the Universal Year 9 will help us discover our true values. In Directive Cycle 9 and Universal Year 9, old ideas and systems such as economic, social, religious, corporate and political ideologies will be dissolved and destroyed. This gives us an opportunity to create new and innovative government structures and policies for the world. 

From August 2024 through 2025, we can expect to see major shifts caused by powerful natural events such as earthquakes and volcanoes. Additionally, in September and October, we may encounter significant societal changes due to immigration, mob violence, protests, widespread terrorism, and bombings.

Secreted organizations and long-hidden secrets from the past will come to light, potentially altering our understanding of history and society.

The events we've seen since 2016, such as wildfires, hurricanes, earthquakes, and mass shootings, are meant to make us realize that we are all interconnected and that our individual actions can significantly impact everything and everyone around us.

5 is the adversary of 9! In 2025, there will be a conflict in communication media, which is represented by 5. Beware: sensationalist content will spread like wildfire on cable networks and social media platforms.

Be discerning about what you choose to believe.

It is important to understand from the events of the Great Recession that we have limited control over external circumstances. The only aspect within our control is our own actions and attitudes. We firmly believe that what is happening is divine; even those who are confident they are in control do not have complete control.

2024 is a year in which everyone should be reassessing their career, finances, living situation, and health.

2024 is also a year of wealth and power, and we are observing the global ramifications of these dynamics. We are rapidly approaching Directive Cycle 9 and Universal Year 9. Of the things 9 despises, greed, the conspicuous exhibition of one's wealth and possessions, and self-aggrandizement are at the top of the list. We told you in January to pay particular attention to who and what situation shows up in your life between January 2024 and September 2024.

Expenses are always higher with 8; judging by the numbers, we'll finally start to get relief around October 7, 2024. Also, in our June monthly divination post, we mentioned that rates may decrease in the final quarter of this year or the first quarter of 2025, expecting to provide everyone with extra relief!

Amid the prevalent individualistic attitudes worldwide, the unfolding events expected between 2024 and 2028 are likely to unite us in an unforeseen manner.

The world is no longer operating as intended, sparking global unrest as citizens assert their power in large groups. The Directive and Universal energies are global, so Every nation is currently experiencing turbulence as it transforms. Consequential global transformation is expected to take place in 2025 and 2026.

2024 and 2025 are anticipated to be pivotal transformative years in the United States.

It may seem like you're the only one going through tough times, but you're not alone! Everyone on Earth is experiencing challenging situations. Over the next five months, for the first time in many years, those who are affluent and have social advantages will undoubtedly experience a profound shift in their awareness, recognizing their place within the broader human race. This awakening will prompt a reevaluation of their role and responsibilities as members of global society.

In consequence, many individuals in Personal Year 8, Pinnacle 8, Life Cycles 8, and those born in August or on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of any month are likely to be in the media spotlight. Also, this year, between August 2024 and December 2024, many individuals in their 2024 Personal Year 11/2 may encounter unexpected situations related to finance, career, health, partnerships, or housing.

Hang in there! Although there's not much positivity to report for the next fourteen months, rest assured that things are and WILL improve.

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