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Anguish Leads To Aggression And Hostility

Always keep in mind that emotions run high with 9. September is a 9 calendar month, October is a Universal Month 18/9, and 2025 is a Universal Year 9. In certain situations, people may experience a strong emotional response characterized by anger when they perceive threats.

In September and October 2024, adverse situations usually occur at the most inopportune time.

In this post, we cautioned you that maintaining all types of relationships is going to become increasingly challenging.

For several more years, individuals, business and government leaders will steadfastly assert their individuality, beliefs and desires, refusing to compromise on their principles to preserve peaceful and harmonious relationships. Therefore, conflicts and violence arise! We have been observing this since 2021. In our recent post, 'Domestic and Global Conflict is Heating Up,' we discussed escalation conflicts globally and within personal, political and business partnerships.

Judging by the number national and global tensions are anticipated to rise from September 2024 and throughout much of 2025, leading to heightened conflict. Leaders, citizens, consumers and employees are projected to remain steadfast and unyielding, contributing to increased discord. Over the next fourteen months, we will witness a surge in powerful demonstrations, impactful strikes, boycotts and, unfortunately, irrational acts of violence, attacks, bombings, social unrest in countries, arguments, senseless murders and assassinations.

There will also be a notable absence of peaceful and harmonious interactions in family and marriage relationships, possibly leading to tensions, conflicts and divorces.

People will express their truths on social media platforms, regardless of whether it aligns with your truth or not. People will no longer go along to get along.

The Great and Silent Generations, people born between 1924 and 1945, are reaching the end of their lifespans. As a consequence, many people will experience the passing of their parents and grandparents. Coping with these losses could be difficult for many families. In many cases, family disputes can arise when deciding the fate of inherited properties and money. The complex nature of financial matters often leads to disagreements within families, making it difficult to resolve without discord.

"Money is emotional,” said licensed marriage and family therapist Dr. George James, chief innovation officer and senior staff therapist at the non-profit Council for Relationships.

7 and 9 are powerful spiritual vibrations that can be challenging to manifest in their highest form. 9 can lead to profound spiritual awakenings through experiences of suffering and/or loss.

Old wounds are resurfacing! In today's rapidly evolving landscape, it is imperative to discard what is no longer working and adopt more productive strategies that align with the demands of the present.

Sometimes, change will only come through hard-fought battles, and that's precisely where the world is right now! 

In these challenging times, it's important to recognize that we're all in this together. Each person is navigating their own set of obstacles that can evoke a range of emotions. The most important thing is for you to stay safe until we reach the other side of this. Just like the journey that brought us here, it will take time for things to improve.

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