We have consistently stated that secrets aren't safe! Between now and February 2025, there is still much more to reveal. Our belief that neither Biden nor Trump will be president could still be correct, but the situation is unfolding differently than we expected. Neither Biden nor Trump truly reflects the vision required for the groundbreaking and transformative era on the horizon—this is our stance.
The energy of November 2024 and January 2025 can make people more aggressive and direct in expressing their opinions.
We also expected that women would play a vital role in the voting process. Between 2020 and 2029, we will see a remarkable emergence of female leadership and influence, which will serve as a powerful counterbalance to the longstanding patriarchal and masculine frameworks that have historically dominated our political, business and social systems.
In 2024, the EGO influences assertions and decisions like never before. We encourage you to remain calm, avoid boastful, pompous behavior, and avoid making waves. The EGO will lead to angry reactions, loss and suffering for many individuals!
We informed you in July 2024 that this election is unusual.
The United States presidential election process is closely aligned with a typical numerology cycle, which is an important aspect to consider. As a general rule, every year, the various situations and events that occur individually or collectively in NOVEMBER lead to specific outcomes that are ultimately resolved in JANUARY.
FEBRUARY will determine the natural progression of events happening in DECEMBER.
These resolutions can manifest in either a positive or negative manner, reflecting the circumstances and decisions made during the preceding months. This cycle of resolution is a natural transition as the year draws to a close, often influencing plans and expectations for the upcoming year.
The events happening in each Universal Month do not exist in isolation. Each occurrence builds upon the last, suggesting that November's developments set the stage for December's unfolding events. The transition between these months reflects a chain reaction, where the impact of past happenings shapes the future narrative in early 2025.
Election Day takes place on the first Tuesday in November, which this year is November 5, 2024. This date occurs in Universal Month 19/1, symbolizing a time of new beginnings as the world moves forward into a new way of living. In December, the electors cast their votes for president in the Electoral College. Then, in January, Congress counts the electoral votes, followed by Presidential Inauguration Day.
19/1 represents a "breakthrough." We should not fear the darkness that is immediately present!
December is a Universal Month 20/2. Although higher energies are at work in December to support us, the world is restless and uneasy. December represents a crossroads, a turning point, potentially affecting the presidential election timeline and delaying Inauguration Day until February.
From 2005 to 2015, there was a notable increase in the insatiable greed linked to the actions and behaviors of individuals and organizations. This period was characterized by a growing desire for wealth and power, often at the expense of ethical considerations and social responsibility.
2024 is Universal Year 8, a year characterized by the themes of money, power, position, and status. During this materialistic period, individuals, organizations, and countries are focused on strengthening their influence and authority. 8 symbolizes ambition and a strong desire for professional success, money and power.
We have repeatedly observed that when the energy of 8 departs, reversals in reputation and/or fortune typically occur.
The desire to secure a robust position in the professional world is a powerful motivator for many.
8 is linked to the concept of karma and embodies a dual nature. It not only brings rewards and opportunities based on one's past actions and decisions but also has the potential to impose challenges and/or losses that reflect those same deeds. Essentially, 8 serves as a reminder that our past choices can greatly influence our present and future circumstances.
Karma often strikes at the most inconvenient moments.
VOTING IS THE FOUNDATION OF OUR DEMOCRACY. If there are any flaws or instances of hidden fraud, whether in the past or present, we must have confidence that this will finally be uncovered and be willing to accept whatever outcome.
Remember that we share our insight and interpretation of the numbers; we aren't infallible! Unfortunately, world events and government actions can be as clear as mud due to the complex and secretive situations occurring behind the scenes. Regardless of how things turn out, we will be okay.
For decades, both Republicans and Democrats have engaged in a political game that often benefits themselves more than the people.
9 made its presence known in October 2024. It aims to explore the deeper truths of those in power, position, and status, illuminating insights that will enable us to forge a more promising and sustainable future for all of humankind. 9 clearly symbolizes that when hidden fraud occurs, it often involves large groups of people located in various places around the world.
9 has been on the horizon since October 2024; therefore, our emotions are meant to be experienced more intensely. Prepare for the unexpected from November 2024 to February 2025.
Global and personal events during this time are likely to be surprising and will change the narrative in ways that neither you nor we can currently imagine. Sit Tight!