If the listed birthday is accurate, Michael Ilesanmi was born on February 28, 1988, a Life Number 11. He started life in a First Pinnacle 30/3, and as of 2023, he's in his Second Pinnacle 54/9, which means he's in his Partnership Year. So, it makes numeric sense that this Nigerian TLC Reality TV star has finally called it quits with his wife Angela Deem, who is 22 years older than him.
During one's Partnership Year (Personal Year 11/2), personal relationships or business partnerships are reshaped. In Personal Year 11, relationships commonly undergo sudden changes, while in Personal Year 2, changes are often more planned and deliberate.
Ilesanmi's numerology blueprint suggests success and prosperity, and with Pinnacles 3 and 9, he may achieve success in countries other than his own.
Life Number 11 is promised the spotlight. Starting his journey in a Pinnacle 3, pursuing acting is a viable avenue for Ilesanmi to bask in the limelight. Once he stepped into the spotlight, the media will be with him every step of the way, both on and off the stage, for the rest of your life.
Ilesanmi first appeared on TLC's 90-Day Fiance in 2018.
Ilesanmi finally arrived in the United States in December 2023, a new beginning year. In June 2024, he revealed that after eight years, they were no longer together. According to Deem, Ilesanmi left their home on February 23, 2024. This indicates that everything went off the rails upon his arrival in the United States in December 2024.
In 2014, Ilesanmi began his twenty-seventh year, Productive Year 28/1, a highly influential business cycle characterized by a multitude of opportunities stemming from valuable partnerships. Ilesanmi has a Second Challenge 7, implying regrets, despair, rebelliousness and resentment and possibly finding relief from negative and confusing thoughts through alcohol or drugs.
During his Second Pinnacle, Ilesanmi may come across as scatterbrained, cynical, and rude. He tends to cope with conflicts by retreating into the realm of his own imagination. Nonetheless, Ilesanmi can exhibit a grounded demeanor when the situation calls for it.
With years of fighting, most people already had an indication that their marriage wasn't going to work out. Plus, romantic relationships and marriages often encounter challenging dynamics during a 9 cycle.
It seems that Angela Deem was born on September 12, 1965. She's been in a Final Pinnacle 30/3 since 2004. Individuals with 3 in their numerology blueprint often have non-traditional relationships. Deem is a Life Number 6, and 2024 is also Deem's Partnership Year. She has a lifelong Challenge 6: stubbornness, authoritativeness and unrealistically high ideals for herself and others that lead to disappointment and frustration.
The Dragon and the Snake have a poor reputation for monogamy.
Michael Ilesanmi was born in the year of the Earth Dragon, so 2024 was destined to be a consequential year for him. Angela Deem was born in the year of the Wood Snake, so 2025 is destined to be a consequential year for her. Numerically, 2025 is her Personal Year 3, Harvest Year 21/3 and Pinnacle 30/3. A test is coming, so something will need her attention!
When the cameras briefly stopped rolling after ten seasons, it looked like at least 30 couples were still together.
Photo Credit: @mykol_01/Instagram