Have you ever noticed how 4 and 8 seem to be drawn to each other like magnets? It's almost as if 4 and 8 can't resist each other's energy. But beware, as exciting as it may seem, the relationship between these two numbers can quickly turn toxic.
That's why in this 2024 Universal Year 8, we all need to walk on eggshells!
Expect unexpected twists and turns. Particularly in the lives of people with Life Number 8, born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of any calendar month, in Pinnacle 8, Personal Year 8, and/or Transit Number 4, 13, 22. Some individuals might encounter difficulties in their romantic relationships and marriages. 2024 may not be smooth for them. Also, be extra cautious this year if your Life Number is 4 or 8 AND you were born on a 4 or 8 day.
The combination of the numbers 4 and 8 is often associated with bad luck.
Remember, there is a predetermined plan for our lives, and when 4 and 8 are together, the universe is orchestrating events to balance your karma. Everyone be careful in May 2024, Universal Month 13/4. Plus, the upcoming months, October-December 2024, have a dangerous mix of 8 and 9, raising the chance of tragic situations.
In 2024 Universal Year 8, be mindful during Personal and Universal Months that resonate with 4, as they are times to avoid risky behaviors and pay attention to your surroundings. During Personal Year 4, it's crucial to prioritize your health. Personal Year 4, please be aware that there is a higher possibility of experiencing a sudden illness between January and June. And, once again, from September to December.
Just remember that things are never all bad or all good, but it's always good to be prepared for what might come your way. We anticipate a higher likelihood of experiencing unfavorable circumstances for the numbers indicated in this post.
It is absolutely crucial that you prioritize your health during this time, as we are currently experiencing a global 'health' cycle. Take all necessary precautions and make every effort to stay healthy and safe. Remember, your health is of utmost importance.
Our numeric perspective is that one or two significant events between August 2024 and January 2025 could make it into the history books! Everyone must remain especially vigilant in 2024 and take necessary precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of ourselves and those around us. Being aware will help mitigate the risks and overcome any challenges that may arise.