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Numerology Personal Years

2024 Personal Years

November – February is a harvest period. Broadly speaking, November 2023 – February 2024 is a time when significant personal and professional changes transpire. During these four months, changes can occur rapidly, and shockingly.




2024 Universal Year 8 is a business and money year. Globally for about the first six months of the year, financial and business matters are of great importance and emphasis. During the course of 2024, it is imperative to be mindful of your expenses. 2024 can be an extremely stressful and burdensome year for businesses, governments and individual families. UNIVERSAL YEAR 8 IS A KARMIC YEAR THAT GIVES DUAL CONSEQUENCES. For this reason, within twelve months, you will likely experience something disheartening as well as something businesswise or financially fortunate. Emotions will naturally tend to run high from roughly June 2024 onward. This is because from February until about June, many feel as if they are in a financial rut.


2024 is of great consequence for folks born on the 8, 17, or 26 of any calendar month and those of you in Personal Year 8, Pinnacle 8, Life Number 8 or Challenge 8. 2024 is equally consequential for folks born on the 4, 13, 22, or 31 of any calendar month.


DEBTS of governments, corporations and individuals that were brought to light in 2023 can have unwelcome repercussions in 2024. This year, there is more than the usual interest in government activities, leaders, entrepreneurial endeavors, business growth, and financial advice and investment management services. 2024 will produce its share of domestic problems; divorces, problematic family situations, favorable and unfavorable real estate matters, and matters related to women, healthcare and primary education concerns. Gun violence, aging and physical health are also important topics of discussion in 2024.


Delinquent taxes, credit card debt, student loans, lawsuits, loans, foreclosures and bankruptcies that are still unresolved from 2023, must be sorted out in 2024.


Globally, by February 2024, we’ll start to hear of innovations, technological advancements, new business startups, new business strategies, changes to government programs, business expansions, more cool apps to make life easier, etc. From October 2023 to January 2024, economic recovery will continue to be slow; however, things should start to turn around in February 2024. It behooves you to ensure your plans are on target and perfected before February 2024. Illnesses and deaths are unlike anything we’ve seen before; in particular, illnesses and deaths of celebrities, political figures, government and corporate leaders and old folks. Take care of your health! Stress levels are usually high, especially from May through to the end of the year. Be prepared to put in the extra effort this year!! 2024 is demanding and strict, therefore, everyone will be hard at work in some area of their life. 'NOTHING VENTURED, NOTHING GAINED', you have to be willing to take a risk to achieve your goals!

Your PERSONAL YEAR forecast is like a quick start guide that sums up the most important characteristics of the year. Understanding your PERSONAL YEAR will aid you in making the best personal and professional decisions that are in sync with your natural cycles.


Cyclical Patterns: Bear in mind; that there are cycles within cycles, your Personal Year is one of many cycles happening simultaneously in your life.


Humanity is on the cusp of a new nine-year Directive Cycle that starts in 2026. In consequence, in 2024 you will begin to understand the importance of being pioneering, independent, standing up for yourself, being a leader versus a follower, thinking outside the box, and all the while, having faith and confidence in yourself. 


Because the world is headed in a very new and unexpected direction, the events of 2024 will encourage you to adapt quickly to new, sudden and changing circumstances and opportunities.


Everyone naturally assumes that their life rockets forward at the onset of each new calendar year, when in fact, the first two months of your new PERSONAL YEAR or the new calendar year is when you take delivery of the rewards or penalties of the previous year. Everyone Will Not feel the new energy of their 2024 PERSONAL YEAR in January. That is to say, if you are in a PERSONAL YEAR 8, it is usually February before you begin to feel the immensity of your PERSONAL YEAR. If you are in PERSONAL YEAR 4, it is usually June before you begin to feel the immensity of your PERSONAL YEAR. More importantly, even if you share the same Personal Year as someone else, your yearly cycle is different because your transits, Pinnacle, Life Cycle, life experiences, temperament and maturity are also important factors.


As a general rule, your day-to-day needs are met in Personal Year 3, Personal Year 6, and Personal Year 9. Personal Year 1, Personal Year 11/2, Personal Year 5, Personal Year 7 and Personal Year 9 shape your life for years to come.


To calculate your PERSONAL YEAR, add the Calendar Month + Calendar Day of your Birth + Calendar Year. 

I.e., Born October 11 

10 (Calendar Month for October) + 11 (Calendar Day of Birth) + Calendar Year
10+ 11 + 2024 = 2045 = 2 + 0 + 4 + 5 = PERSONAL YEAR 11/2  


For a shortcut, you can add the Universal Year Number to your Calendar Month and Day of Birth. If you know your Life Number, you can take another shortcut. Add your Life Number to the Age you will be next year, and then reduce the number to a single digit. If you follow the logic that Personal Years start on your birthday, add your Life Number to the Age you are now and reduce the number to a single digit.

Life Number8 and Current Age 30.  8 + 30 = 38 = 3 + 8 =PERSONAL YEAR 11/2



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