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Personal Year 2



Partnerships, Division, Emotions


Patience IS a virtue this year! Don’t rush things – everything in its own time. This is not the year to make significant changes; it is, however, a year to gather all the information and facts you need for your project or idea.


Other people have a great influence on what happens this year so, be open to suggestions, and remain approachable and tactful.


In February you might start to feel dissatisfied with life or your animosity towards someone intensifies. You are overemotional in May and July, but this will pass.


This year other people can help you achieve your goals so be open to a new personal or business partnership and most of all, advice.


Romance is highly favored this year (especially if your Personal Year is 2) and the new relationship can be meaningful and sustainable. Equally so, because of sensitivity, stubbornness and moodiness, there can be disruptions/separations in love, family or business relationships. This year has a lot to do with your emotional health because there is an added emphasis on relationships and partnerships.


As early as January or March of this year, you may feel an attraction toward someone. If you don’t attract a new love interest, it could be that in January or even March, you secure a new business contract, job or position. March might be unpredictable and this might put you on edge emotionally; however, the changes are needed to ensure you are on the right path.


In April your family, health and/or home life will suddenly take center stage. Something in the month of May could take an emotional toll on your health, beware! Speaking of health, in November you could have a sudden illness, flu or virus, or something that requires you to adjust your work schedule and budget.


Life begins to change for the better between September and December. With luck, you haven’t been swayed by your emotions and with the support from others, the changes now are favorable.


Just as important, whenever the numbers of suddenness; 1, Master 11, and 5 are together with each other, there’s an increased chance for bizarre accidents, injuries and health problems to occur as quickly as lightning. For this reason in March, August and December don’t indulge in risky behavior or push the boundaries.

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