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Numbers from 10 upward are considered Compound Numbers or double-digit numbers. Compound numbers have particularly more pronounced meanings than the 'root' number or single digit. What's more, the higher numbers have a more mystical, and spiritual influence than the single digit. Compound numbers reveal the more profound, spiritual, and hidden influences.

In the same way, as every human isn't created equal, every number doesn't have identical characteristics  It took me a little time to figure it out, but, I eventually figured out that as sure as eggs are eggs, much information gets lost when you reduce Compound numbers to single numbers without giving any regard to the Compound number. This is particularly true when calculating the Life Cycles, Pinnacles, and Major Numbers.


The Compound numbers hold the truths of character, they reveal a more accurate temperament. At first, it is essential to learn single numbers; however, for the more advanced student of numerology, you must integrate compound numbers for a more individualized and accurate interpretation of the numbers.


As an example, in every series of birthday numbers, there is a number that is differently-abled in some way. To give an instance, 


3, 12, 30

7, 16, 25

2, 11 and 20

Numerology Number 2: Mental/Emotional Health


Numerically speaking, it is common for persons born on the second day of any month to suffer some level of mental health issues such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or dissociative states. In many instances, the emotions and mental state are easily distressed for individuals born on the second day of any month. Numerologists are encouraged to handle individuals born on the second day of any month with kid gloves! Also, be aware that any critical event in this person's life can cause great distress or impairment of personal performance.




United State of America


Mon - Fri :

0900 - 1700

Sat :

1000 - 1300

stay in front of the energy

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Numerology is a powerful tool for self-discovery, your personal growth, and to help you gain insight into your strengths, weaknesses and journey through life. By understanding your numerology blueprint, you can make better decisions and live a more fulfilling life. The website offers personalized consultations to help unlock your potential, find your purpose, and improve your life's journey. All information, communication, consultations, and innovative products with Seriita or via the website are for educational, informational, spiritual, and metaphysical purposes. Information, communication, consultations, and products are not to be misinterpreted as professional medical advice or mental health advice. Relying solely on the information published on this website to radically transform your life is, at your discretion and risk.

© 2008-2025 by Seriita Montiel. 

The site redesign was published on January 1, 2024

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